10 Ways to Spread Your Happy on Happiness Day

10 Ways to Spread Your Happy on Happiness Day by Shari Alyse #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #HappinessDay #SpreadYourHappy #Happiness

International Day of Happiness: 10 Ways to Spread Your Happy –

One of the things I love about going to concerts is feeling like I’m a part of something with complete strangers.

Coming together and bonding over the love of music. Singing our hearts out, being moved by the same thing. No talks of differences or strife. The connection over something that makes us and our hearts happy. I get so inspired that I find myself crying in moments like this. Yes, I’m that girl who can be seen weeping at the most ridiculous times. Luckily, my friends know me, they just know that ‘Shari is moved’ once again. So, it comes as no surprise that each year, as March 20th approaches, I become sentimental and excited.

International Day of Happiness (Happiness Day) is almost here!

This day was established on June 28, 2012, when UN resolution 66/281 was adopted by consensus of all 193 of the United Nations’ member states. The International Day of Happiness is celebrated around the world every March 20. This day is dedicated to spreading happiness, to being happy, to just lifting one another up. I mean, how could you not love and want to celebrate this day?

Let’s be honest, I’m not going to pretend that we are all skipping through this world holding hands and taking turns on the rainbow slide and landing on our unicorns flying back up together to do it again. The truth is, there is some real discord happening in our world so days like this are days that need to be celebrated and shouted from the rooftops! As the UN states, “Happiness is a fundamental human right; happiness forever is a fundamental human goal.” The truth is, in whatever way you and I can do our part to help create a world in which there is more happiness for ALL, I believe it is our duty.

This year’s theme is, Happiness for All, Forever and you are invited to take part in this day.

Here Are 10 Ways to BE and SPREAD Your Happy:

  1. Do what makes you happy.
  2. Reflect and meditate on what makes you happy.
  3. Help others.
  4. Spend time with friends and family.
  5. Focus on the positive around you and spread your happy.
  6. Wish everyone a Happy International Day of Happiness.
  7. Smile!
  8. Get social (post what makes you happy). Be sure to use these hashtags:
  • #InternationalDayOfHappiness
  • #HappinessForAllForever
  • #TenBillionHappyBy2050
  • #TenBillionHappy
  • #HappinessDay
  • #ChooseHappiness
  • #CreateHappiness
  • #MakeItHappy
  1. Find out how to host a happiness event, take the pledge, take part in global events, and more!
  2. Choose to be kind, loving, and respectful to all of humanity. THAT creates happiness that ripples out all over the world.

Our greatest hope here at The Wellness Universe is that you find ways to live your happy in whatever and however that shows up for you.

If it’s going to concerts to feel connected to others (and yes, even cry), or volunteering, hanging out with those you love, being kind to yourself, encouraging someone who needs it, or simply calling someone to say ‘I love you,’ spreading happiness is something we ALL can do and is something that will not only lift the spirits of the person you’re sharing it with but also lift you too! It’s a total win-win.

Go ahead, I dare you. Spread Your happy!

For more information on International Day of Happiness and ways you can get involved, be sure to visit: https://happinessday.org

Psst… I love seeing you happy! If you need someone to talk to, reach out to me.

– Shari

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