3 Tips to Turn Your Prospects into Clients

3 Tips to Turn Your Prospects into Clients by Maggie Sarfo #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Prospects

A key ingredient for every company’s growth-strategy is client acquisition, or business development.

A good strategy needs an even better tactical execution. While you read this, I invite you to ponder on these questions:

  • What does my growth strategy for the coming year look like?
  • Do I know what goals I want to attach to it to make this vision come alive?
  • How about an action plan? Do I have a winning team who believes in this big vision (at home and work)?
  • How excited am I about it?

Now that you have a strategy in mind, let’s now explore a more tactical topic – the keys to prospect nurturing!

Consistency —

As I write this article, I’ll soon be a guest on an online TV, expert interview series to talk about growth (business and personal).

It’s also the first of 3 events I’ll be speaking at this month. This is a local UK event, the others are global online summits. While I’m not sharing this to toot my own horn, I’m hoping it inspires you to be consistent in any activity that propels you towards your goals.

Prospect Nurturing —

Speaking of consistency, there are 3 practical tips to master as part of your sales and business growth execution. Upgrading a prospect to client status (prospect nurturing) is so important, especially if we’re in business for business.

3 Tips for Turning Your Prospects into Clients (Tips are Disclosed in the Video):

Hope you enjoyed watching and now have a gold nugget to go on and execute. To your best success turning prospects into clients!

– Maggie

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