30 Angel Affirmations for September 2018

30 Angel Affirmations for September 2018 by Janette Stuart #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #AngelAffirmationsForSeptember

Welcome to Angel Affirmations for September 2018 where WU World Changer Janette Stuart shares another 30 days worth of affirmations to help you shift from a negative to positive wellbeing.

What makes these angel affirmations so special?

These messages are channeled from the Angels, just for you, dear one. Lovely, angelic guidance to raise your vibration and fill your heart with joy.

What is an affirmation?

It is a short, powerful statement used to consciously affect your thoughts positively. We have an estimated 50,000 thoughts a day, and most of them are not pretty. Often, we are very critical of ourselves. We would not dream of talking to another the way we “speak” to ourselves in our inner dialogue. I invite you to join me each day during the month to recite these angel affirmations to bring more goodness and grace into our lives.

Can you invest one minute a day on yourself to consciously improve your thoughts and your life this month?

Can you afford not to? You will be astounded by the difference that reciting these angel affirmations will make in your life.

My friend prints out the list of affirmations and looks at each one as she begins her day. Some prefer to do their affirmations as the day is winding down. Any time or any place is perfect as you gift yourself the positive message of a daily angel affirmation.

Your invitation is to embrace this exercise of reciting an affirmation each day during September.

Doing so will help to positively transform your thoughts, and your life, for the better. If you are new to the practice of affirmations, welcome. If you are seasoned in this practice, may you be blessed as well, dear one.

An affirmation only needs to feel about 50% true for it to resonate within you, dear one. By stating an affirmation, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction. By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more powerful as you activate your throat chakra.

Affirmations that begin with the words “I am” are especially effective. Whatever follows the “I am” becomes your truth.

Be vigilant with the statements you think and say about yourself. You want to select empowering statements that improve the energy vibration of your life. For example, if you say, “I am tired. I am sick. I am broke. I am not worthy. I am stuck,” you are calling more of that low energy toward you.

You can shift those thoughts with more energizing and empowering statements such as “I am getting the rest I need. I am taking time to replenish myself. I am good with money. I am excited about ‘…’”  These slight shifts have a positive, transformative effect on the quality of your day and your life.

Let’s profoundly change the trajectory of our thoughts with these affirmations and continue making the year 2018 transformational with a powerful shift of consciousness benefitting you and the world.

Please join me in reciting, reflecting and/or pondering the list of Angel Affirmations for September below. One angel affirmation for each day of September:

  1. I rejoice in the gift of this new day, this new month, and all of the possibilities they invite.
  2. I make time for quiet so that I may more easily listen to the inner wisdom whispering lovingly and tenderly to me.
  3. I am grateful for the bounty of the season and rest from my labor today.
  4. I honor those who have gone on before me; those friends and loved ones whom I miss with a heart full of gratitude for their preciousness and gift in my life.
  5. Today, I choose to savor the beauty I discover in my midst.
  6. I am anchored firmly in the magnificence of the present moment.
  7. I make time for fun during my busy day.
  8. I am flexible in mind, body, and spirit.
  9. I honor the elders in my life for the experience and wisdom they have contributed to my life.
  10. I enjoy a journey to a favorite place, if only in my imagination.
  11. Today, I remember people or experiences I hold near and dear to my heart.
  12. Today, I make time to get still, to listen and to breathe deeply and honor the miracle of me.
  13. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life and express gratitude often.
  14. I am willing to forgive others, especially myself, and release the heavy burden I have been carrying.
  15. I am rejoicing in the gift of today and this present moment.
  16. Today, I take time for myself.
  17. Today, I am on the lookout for the miracles in my midst.
  18. Today, I honor the Divine.
  19. There is enough goodness and grace for all of us.
  20. I celebrate that each day, each hour, I can begin anew.
  21. I am focusing on being peace-filled today, and I radiate peace.
  22. I form beautiful connections today in my travels.
  23. I am grateful for the gift of Sundays in my life.
  24. I enjoy the gift of the sun, moon, and stars today/tonight.
  25. Today, I reach out to a dear friend or family member.
  26. I allow myself the gift of daydreaming and beckoning my desires.
  27. Today, I expand my knowledge deftly and effortlessly.
  28. Today, I enjoy beautiful, whole foods that nourish my body.
  29. Today, I move my body and have some fun.
  30. Today, I remember that I am a precious Child of the Divine and that I am always loved, supported and protected.

Throughout September, I will create a custom poster of each affirmation and post it on my Facebook page and other social media accounts. I’d be delighted if you’d join in on the celebration each day, honoring the Angels with our Daily Angel Affirmations.

See you back here this time next month for 31 Angel Affirmations for October 2018!

– Janette

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