31 Days of Affirmations for December

31 Days of Affirmations for December by Janette Stuart #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #31Days
What is an affirmation?

It is a short, powerful statement used to affect your thinking positively consciously. We have an estimated 50,000 thoughts a day and most of them are not pretty. Often, we are very critical of ourselves. We would not dream of talking to another the way we “speak” to ourselves in our inner dialogue.

Today, your invitation is to embrace this exercise of reciting an affirmation each day during the month of December.

It will help to positively transform your thoughts (and your life) for the better. An affirmation only needs to feel about 50% true for it to resonate with you, dear one. By stating a statement, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction. By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more potent as you are activating your throat chakra.

The month of December can be a harried time of year for most of us. Let’s profoundly change the trajectory of our thoughts with these affirmations and end the year with a substantial shift of consciousness.

Affirmations that begin with the words “I am,” are especially powerful.

Whatever follows the “I am” becomes your truth. Be vigilant with the statements you think and say about yourself. You want to select empowering statements that improve the energy vibration of your life. For example, if you say, “I am tired, I am sick, I am broke, I am stuck” you are calling more of that low energy towards you. You can shift those thoughts with more energizing and empowering statements such as “I am getting the rest I need, I am taking time to replenish myself, I am good with money, and I am excited about…” These slight shifts have an intense, transformational effect on the quality of your day and your life.

Can you invest one minute a day on yourself to consciously improve your thoughts and your life? Can you afford not to?

Please join me in reciting, reflecting or pondering the list below. One affirmation, each day, for all 31 days of December:

  1. I am going to enjoy the month of December.
  2. I am taking good care of myself.
  3. I am good with money.
  4. I take good care of my responsibilities.
  5. I enjoy the gift of family and friends.
  6. I slow down to enjoy the gift of the present moment.
  7. I remember the best gift is a gift from the heart.
  8. I easily stay within budget.
  9. Today, I spend time nurturing myself.
  10. Today, I connect with a precious loved one, friend or pet.
  11. I appreciate the beauty of the season.
  12. I take time to notice the beauty of the season with childlike wonder.
  13. Today, I hold a loved one or precious memory close to my heart and savor that feeling.
  14. Today, I will move my body and have some fun.
  15. I am kind to those around me and communicate clearly and with love.
  16. I am gifting myself a small treat today.
  17. Today, I nurture my soul.
  18. I am grateful for the gift of my life.
  19. Today, I am on the lookout to spread some cheer where it is needed.
  20. I appreciate tradition or will create a new one.
  21. Today, I send love and light to my friends and loved ones.
  22. I will remember to breathe and am relaxed and peaceful.
  23. Today, I look in the mirror with love.
  24. Today, I sing a joyful song.
  25. I am loving to all I encounter and especially to myself.
  26. I take time to rest.
  27. I take time to appreciate the beauty of my world today.
  28. I enjoy a favorite activity today.
  29. I am a powerful creator and choose wisely today.
  30. I reflect on the goodness of this past year.
  31. I anticipate 2018 as a year of blessings in which I will create.
Blessings to you, dear one, as you join me and embrace this exercise of 31 days of affirmations during the month of December.

You will be astounded at the results this practice yields. Not only will you benefit significantly from these declarations, but everyone you encounter will also gain. It is a win-win.

My focus is on joy. If you’d like more joy in your life, I invite you to please visit . I’d love to hear how this exercise has impacted your life.

Cheers, happy holidays, and blessings for a wondrous 2018!

– Janette

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