5 Benefits of Creating with Pleasure Versus Pressure

5 Benefits of Creating with Pleasure Versus Pressure by Janette Stuart #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #PleasureVersusPressure

The natural world is following the end of the cycle of winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. I have decided to take this time off from writing on any particular schedule and choose to work only when inspired, when it feels fun, creating from a place of pleasure instead of pressure. This working when inspired has really paid off. I am having so much fun and am getting so much accomplished. Can it really be this easy? Yes, dear ones, it can.

Whether you are creating a meal, raising your family, writing a book or building your own home, doing it from a place of pleasure instead of pressure will give you a much better experience and the outcome will be more delightful.

In the 1960’s movie “Mary Poppins”, one of my favorite songs, “A Spoonful of Sugar” states:

In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun, you find the fun, and snap! The job\’s a game.
And every task you undertake, becomes a piece of cake. A lark! A spree! It\’s very clear to see… that,
A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, The medicine go down-oown, the medicine go down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down… in a most delightful way.

There is so much wisdom in that song. This article has been brewing for several weeks and today it is bubbling forth. I created the image below a few months ago: “Today I allow it to be easy.” I have been enjoying dreaming about ease and grace and creating from that place. It is heavenly. It is transforming the way I move through my day.

Since I’ve begun creating from a place of pleasure versus pressure, here’s what has changed:
  1. I set an intention to allow myself to receive easily and gracefully.

It looks something like this, “Today I allow myself to receive ideas and inspiration with ease and grace.”

  1. I create only when I feel pleasure.

When we create from a place of pleasure instead of pressure, we are in the flow. Ideas and inspiration flow to us with ease and grace. We release the need for control, to meet a certain deadline and to have our creations “be” a certain way.

  1. I get more accomplished.

When we are in alignment with the Universe, things flow more easily. We create more easily because we are not fighting or resisting. When we are fighting, forcing or resisting (swimming upstream versus flowing gently with the current), everything we do is difficult. “Today I allow it to be easy.”

  1. The quality of my creation is filled with inspiration.

When I create from a place of joy, a place of ease and grace, it shows in my work. I can sense it and, more importantly, my audience senses the difference. The Divine ideas and inspiration shine through.

  1. I am filled with more love, joy, and peace.

Working and creating from a place of ease and grace breeds joy. Joy creates more joy. When we are in a place of having more love, joy, and peace we, therefore, create more love, joy, and peace. We ripple more love, joy, and peace out into the world.

I am happily churning out a series of books called “On a Path of Joy.” The first book was published in October 2016 and Volume Two was published in January 2017. What a wonderful way to create, from a place of joy, from a place of pleasure instead of pressure.

Sending you so much love, joy, and peace. May you create from a place of pleasure instead of a place of pressure, dear one. Here’s to you as you allow it to be easy.



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