Inspiration of the Day By Jenny Tasker

Inspiration of the Day by Jenny Tasker #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #JennyTasker #BrightLight #Rudolph #IOTD #InspiringQuote #InspirationOfTheDay #HolidayEdition

Inspiration of the Day By Jenny Tasker

Why not become famous for your LIGHT?!

This post really resonates with me, as I was a child outcasted for being different.

I was an outgoing little girl with wild curly Red hair. It was regularly pointed out to me, that I looked very different than all the other kids at my school. I was so full of love that I didn\’t understand all this teasing, why was I so different?

I had to look within myself to realize, that I was not meant to be like anyone else. I was meant to embrace all of those differences and shine because of them!

Always keep believing in your own special light, never compare it to others, as it will never shine in the same way.  This is your light, and it can only shine in your own beautiful way.

If you always believe that who you are is so much more than how you look, or where you come from, and if you always keep shining in your own unique way, you will be unstoppable, a beacon for others to see by. That, you will find is what will make your Light FAMOUS!!

Love & Light-filled Blessings,



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