Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for August 1st

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for August 1st by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForAugust1st

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for August 1st! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“You are always on the verge of your next big moment.”

I have a confession to make. I don’t believe I am a great writer nor do I believe I am a great speaker. However, I am an effective communicator with a passion for communicating what I believe has a desire to be expressed through me as a result of my life experiences. These experiences have led to publishing two books, being a contributing writer for The Wellness Universe and several magazines, a movie entitled Becoming the Keys, in which I am an expert alongside Dr. Joe Vitale, don Miguel Ruiz, Dannion Brinkley and Brian Tracy.

How did all of this happen?

I am going to answer by using the recent MLB All-Star Home Run Derby as an analogy. As I watched Bryce Harper win the derby in dramatic comeback fashion, it caused me to consider how people from all walks of life “step up to the plate” in one of the biggest moments of life and experience extraordinary results.

Of course, there are those who find themselves on the verge of an extraordinary moment but fall short. What creates the extraordinary moment for one person versus another? In the case of professional athletes like Bryce Harper, it certainly begins with exceptional talent, however, there are plenty of people with exceptional talent that don’t maximize life’s biggest moments.

As I considered the question, 4 key factors came to mind:

  1. Expect Big Moments.

This is not the “15 minutes of fame” in which we are all familiar. This is the life you create and experience on a daily basis, that is the backdrop for your biggest moments.

“When you expect big moments, you send out an energetic impulse that invites big moments.”
  1. Be Clear on the Big Moments You Want to Experience.

While this might sound like a singular event, it is really all of the moments you have a strong desire to create and experience over your lifetime. You are the autobiographer writing your story as you live it out. The clearer you are on what you desire to create, and experience, the greater the likelihood you will experience your big moments in an extraordinary way.

  1. Always be Preparing for Your Big Moments.

This entails nothing more and nothing less than allowing more of who you truly are to be the experience you have each day. It is living in full expression of your truth as you make choices and take action in alignment with that truth.

  1. Seize Your Big Moments.

Embrace and enjoy them as fully as you can. Your big moments are the experience and expression of your magnificence for all to enjoy.

We have all been blessed with big moment opportunities, however, we are always on the verge of our next big moment.

If we expect them and work diligently towards them, not with a specific outcome in mind, but through a continuous effort to expand and experience our truth, we will create big moment opportunities that are nothing short of extraordinary.

See you back here next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for August 8th!

– Jim

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