Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for June 27th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for June 27th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForJune27th #Truth

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for June 27th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

I trust this finds you well and living from your “truth.”

I use the words “your truth” because we are presented opportunities time and again to receive and experience more of our truth if we are open to doing so. This came to light a few weeks ago as I participated in an event in the Washington, DC area.

The event consisted of several experts speaking about challenging opportunities they endured and how they benefitted from the experience. Each expert was part of a panel discussion on a topic relevant to their experience. The panel on which I participated was, “I Manifest Truth. However, it wasn’t the panel discussions that benefitted me the most.

At the last minute, a keynote speaker was unable to attend due to a death in the family. This left about 30 minutes or so that needed to be filled. Without giving it much thought, I approached the event organizer and volunteered to speak, unprepared on whatever topic she felt would be most beneficial.

To my surprise, she said yes and thank you, which gave me quick pause to slightly panic and think, “now what?” There wasn’t time to consider what I would share, as I was introduced within minutes of my volunteering. I had to trust that what was needed was going to come to me as I stood before the attendees. I began by asking a few simple, yet profound questions.

What do you believe, about anything and everything? Religion, politics, education, world events, society, cultures, race, and most importantly, you?

Why do you believe what you believe? Do you have personal experiences of these beliefs or have they been passed down by family, friends, co-workers, government, religious leaders, books, etc?

Are the beliefs that you hold yours or have you accepted them as true without giving much thought to their truth?

Is what you believe to be true, actually true?

And finally, if what you believe is true is not true and you have been making decisions against these beliefs, how far from the truth might you be?

The questions were not asked to prove anyone right or wrong. They were asked, so each person could discern for themselves, what is true for them in this moment, to then live from this truth. The key is realizing that what is held as true might not be the Truth.

“Today what I know to be true, tomorrow might not be.”

Your beliefs, though maybe not true, do not make you right or wrong. It simply means that what you believe is what you have accepted and consented to as true up to this moment.

Be open and receptive to new information, new ideas and new experiences, and you will always be living in your truth while moving ever closer to the Truth.

See you next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for July 4th!

– Jim

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