Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for November 7th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for November 7th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForNovember7th

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for November 7th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“Unless we have a willingness to do what is necessary for what we desire it remains unfulfilled potential.”

As you consider where you are within your life experience and how you would like it to unfold from this point forward, consider your willingness to make it happen. Are you willing to experience all that you desire? Are you willing to do what is necessary to bring it about?

You might have the desire which brings about the opportunity; however it is our willingness that makes it happen. Think about something in your life that you had a strong desire to create or experience but for whatever your reasons you didn’t follow through. What held you back? What limiting beliefs do you hold? Why were you unwilling to do what was required to bring about your desired experience?

Willingness comes from our depth of passion for life and how we want to experience it.

It is about embracing our potential, releasing limiting beliefs, and going after all life has to offer. It is an inner knowing, an acceptance of what we are capable of experiencing, an expectation of the experience and then the experience itself.

Willingness contains no reluctance. Everything necessary to bring about the desired experience is done joyfully, even if it makes us uncomfortable. Some will say the sacrifice involved is too great a price to pay and yet when our passion runs deep enough there is no sacrifice. Far greater value is placed on that which we desire than the perceived sacrifice necessary to bring it about.

“When we place more value on what is gained than what we perceive we will lose, we will do everything we can to bring about the desired experience.”

And finally, willingness is being available and receptive to our inner guidance, trusting that our true self will never lead us astray.

For most of us, this means becoming vulnerable to what we cannot see or touch. It is being open to new ideas, new information, a new way of thinking and a new way of being.

Willingness is accepting that what we see as truth today might not be true tomorrow. It is letting go of what has not and does not serve us in our desire for richer, more rewarding life experiences to that which does. Willingness is living from imagination (potential) not memory or history.

We demonstrate willingness by taking appropriate action towards that which we desire to experience. It is in this demonstration that amazing things begin to happen. It’s the moment during which the Universe conspires with us to make all we desire come to pass.

See you back here next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for November 14th!

– Jim

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