Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for September 26th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for September 26th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForSeptember26th

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for September 26th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“We are presented challenging opportunities in life, not to have the experience of the challenge, but to have the joyous experience of rising above it.”

Why do these things keep happening to me? What have I done to deserve this? Why won’t life give me a break? Questions I am sure we have all asked at one point in time during our lives, maybe not so much as a question for which we were looking for answers but as a complaint about how their life is unfolding.

The answer to these questions all comes down to the perspective a person has regarding life. We can certainly look at the first question of, “why do these things keep happening to me,” and take the position of being a victim. For whatever reason, life is conspiring against me and is working hard to make me miserable. Or we can look at life and say that everything that happens is happening for me. Life and I are in partnership. Life is conspiring with me to provide all that I need to fulfill life’s purpose.

We can look at the second question, “what have I done to deserve this,” and again be caught up in victim mentality. However, there is a dynamic invisible intelligence at play behind the scenes that is responsible for the orchestration of life’s events and experiences. There is a magic and mystery to life that we do not, and cannot, fully comprehend from our human level of thinking and understanding.

Each experience is for the “soul” purpose of living in full expression within the context of each event.

“Life is difficult and in its difficulty is its perfection.”

Every experience we have individually and collectively is for the benefit of knowing and experiencing our true Self fully and completely. A challenging LIFE experience is not Life telling us we have been bad and are being punished. It is Life offering the opportunity to look at our lives, to look at our Self, and open up to all that Life has to offer. Life is difficult, yet it yields perfectly the experiences best suited for regaining the truth of who we are.

Observe what life is presenting without judgment, anger or fear, knowing that it would not have been presented if it was not perfect for all concerned. Embrace each challenging opportunity and rejoice in the knowing that each time you rise above the challenge you fulfill life’s purpose of realizing, expressing and experiencing your Truth.

See you back here next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for October 3rd!

– Jim

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