Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for September 5th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for September 5th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForSeptember5th

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for September 5th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“What happened doesn’t matter. What matters is what happens.”

Everything in life is an experience of life and nothing more.

It is from each experience we gain the greater understanding of the truth of who we are. It is from this cumulative understanding and experience that we move closer to the Truth.

What do you mean that what happened doesn’t matter? Of course, it does. What happened is our history tells us who we are and what we have endured and overcome. It tells us how we are progressing and evolving as a people.

The challenges we each experience certainly matter because they fashioned who we are today.

If it wasn’t for the experience, we wouldn’t be who we are today. What happened to us as humanity certainly matters because it causes us to look at life differently. The wars we have created and endured, the civil rights challenges we’ve had, the racism we have experienced, and the discrimination we have witnessed.

Wait a minute. We still have wars. We are still challenged with human and civil rights issues. We are witnessing racism, hate, and discrimination.

The fact that all of this happened in the past, in large, hasn’t changed a thing.

It isn’t what happened that matters. What happened, happened, and that cannot be changed. However, what happens each moment thereafter is what determines what happens each moment thereafter which results in who we are in that moment.

We can look at our history and say we made progress as a result of the events in our personal and collective history. And that is true. But it is only true because of how we responded in those moments subsequent to the event. And then, and only then, can we say we progressed, if we continue making decisions and taking action toward the continuance of what we decided is in the highest and best interest for all.

This isn’t to imply that the events of life, individually and those that happen on the global stage, are not important or of no consequence.

They are important and certainly result in consequences, however, it is our response to life’s events that will create our experience of them. Our experience of them is what presents the opportunity to gain a greater awareness of our truth.

It has been said that history repeats itself because no one is listening or paying attention. This gets to the heart of “what happens doesn’t matter.” It is always how we respond in each succeeding moment to each of life’s events that matters. Each moment impacts the next, and the next, and the next.

How we respond in each moment, is the history we are writing.

We would be best served by not getting so caught up in the history we have written so that we are not present for the history we are writing.

We would be wise to consciously write the history we say we desire, instead of unconsciously repeating the history we say we regret.

See you back here for my Wednesday Wisdom for September 12th!

– Jim

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