Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for December 26th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for December 26th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForDecember26th

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for December 26th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“Open your Self to receive all that life is presenting and you will be given all that life has to offer.” – Jim Phillips

Receptivity is something to which we pay little attention.

We have been told throughout our lives it is better to give than receive and therefore, we deny ourselves much of what is available to us. And yet, if we are not receptive to all that life presents, we will not receive the full benefit of the richness life has to offer.

Receptivity goes both ways. What have you been open and receptive to that denies you all that life has to offer? What thoughts and beliefs do you hold that limit your experience of life?

“When opening your Self to receive, be mindful of what you are receiving.”

Consider this perspective: When we are receptive to what others give us, we give them one of the greatest gifts we have to offer; the gift of giving. How do you feel when you give?

If you are like most you feel a sense of satisfaction, joy, and happiness that you have benefitted another person. You feel good about your Self. Doesn’t it stand to reason that those who would give to you would feel the same way? When we are not receptive, we not only deny our Self the gift of what is being given, we deny the giver the opportunity to feel good about their Self for having given.

Receptivity applies to being open to love, appreciation, kindness, and acceptance of Self and all that life has to offer. The greatest relationship we are here to explore and experience is our relationship with Self. This experience is inclusive of love, appreciation, kindness, respect, and acceptance toward and of Self.

When we are not receptive to the goodness of life, we deny what GOD or the Universe is offering.

In so doing, we are in judgment of our Self. On some level, we have created a belief that we are not worthy of the goodness of life. This might stem from the thought that to be worthy of what the Universe has to offer there is something we are to do or some way in which we are to act or live. There might be a feeling or belief we have not done enough or worked hard enough to be rewarded with the goodness of life.

On the other end of the spectrum, maybe we did something that we label as bad or wrong, and therefore, believe we are not deserving of the goodness of life.

The Truth is, there is nothing one has to do to be deserving of the goodness of life other than to be here on this planet.

Therefore, open your Self to receive all that life is presenting and you will be given all that life has to offer.

See you back here this time next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for January 2nd!

– Jim

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