Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for January 23rd

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for January 23rd by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForJanuary23rd

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for January 23rd! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“Life is everything we want, everything we don’t want, yet everything we need.”

This past week I had the opportunity to speak with fellow cast members from the newly released movie, Becoming the Keys.

Even though we had filmed together we never heard the full extent of one another’s story, which in several cases were quite extraordinary. What I gained from these conversations is the depth of passion each has for life and their willingness to share their experiences, in an effort to help others move through the challenging opportunities life presents. Regardless of what life had presented, they were all grateful for their experiences. Not that they wanted to go through them again, but they appreciated what they gained and who they had become as a result.

One cast member, Dannion Brinkley, has died and crossed over five times. He has a perspective on life and death like no person I have ever met. As a result of his experiences, he volunteers for hospice and has helped over 2,000 people cross over peacefully.

Another, Doug Smith, an NHL hockey player at the age of 18, was slammed against the boards in a game, broke his neck, and as a result of complications during surgery, became a quadriplegic. He now has completely recovered and now works with people and corporations to understand the four types of trauma, especially cumulative emotional trauma.

What all thirteen featured experts in the movie have in common is they do not blame life for what has happened to them.

They refuse to live as a victim and instead accept their experiences as integral components of their life path. They all know they would not be who they are today without the experiences they have endured.

This isn’t to say that everyone has to go through similar traumatic experiences to gain from life what life is offering. In fact, life is always offering what each of us requires to fulfill our life’s purpose. It is unfortunate however that most people are either blind to or completely ignore the opportunities they are presented, that is until they become so intense they cannot be ignored.

Most of what I write and speak about pertains to each of us realizing and then living from our truth. I was asked in a presentation to the cast members and others how one knows how far along the path to their truth they might be in any given moment. I responded it is up to each of us to determine our own truth. However, from the stories I had heard and the joy I could feel being expressed by those sharing their stories, I knew a good measure of one’s truth could be taken from the amount of joy and passion they have for life, who they are, what they are doing and how they benefit others.

I believe the Universe wants us to experience, express, and be an expression of love, joy, and happiness.

Therefore, it provides everything we want, everything we don’t want, yet everything we need to be and do just that.

See you back here this time next week!

– Jim

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