Living in Joy Part 2: Give Yourself Permission to Live a Life of Joy — Late joining this series? Catch up on Part 1!
Do you ever feel that perhaps others are deserving of living a life of joy and that you are not?
Maybe you feel you have done something wrong or are not worthy or deserving of living a life of joy. I am here today, dear one, to let you know that you are worthy, and you are enough, and you are deserving of living a life of joy.
I’m including some excerpts from my book, “” Volume One, to further enhance this message that, indeed, you are deserving of living such a life.
You simply need to give yourself permission to do so. May this article bless your heart with love and encouragement. This installment in the Living in Joy series gives you some suggestions, the “how to” of giving yourself that very permission.
“Yes, beautiful one, today allow yourself to spend some time doing what you love. Not only will it benefit you, your increased joy will benefit those around you. Self-care is not selfish; it is beneficial to you and those around you. Devoting five minutes to yourself can be a wonderful beginning.
“What is it you love to do? Paint, cook, write, take pictures, play music, connect with a friend? Give yourself permission to do just that today. You will be so happy you did.”
Another important piece of giving ourselves permission to live a life of joy is to set daily intentions. I believe our thoughts create our lives and that we have a divine responsibility to live the best possible one we can.
“Intention is such a powerful tool, dear one. Don’t let its simplicity dissuade you of its worth. Setting an intention for the day is setting a course of action for your success by letting you be in control of not only where you go and what you do, but in how you will do it. You choose it all: your attitude, the way in which you want to present yourself to the world, and the way you choose to feel during the day. It’s all up to you. If we don’t set an intention, we just bob around at the whims of others like a piece of driftwood in the surf. It is empowering to take control of our destiny by setting an intention for the day and focusing on that intention as we move throughout our day. We can always choose a better attitude, and we will be so grateful that we did.
Here are a few examples:
- Today I choose to radiate love.
- Today I choose to be loving with everyone I encounter, even myself.
- Today I choose to forgive.
- Today I choose to see the best in myself and others.
- Today I choose to make wise decisions that benefit me and my family.
- Today I choose to rest and rejuvenate.
- Today I choose to flow through my day with ease and grace, knowing I am Divinely loved and protected.”
Our ego loves to complicate matters, overthink things and tell us that we must work hard and suffer and that maybe if we are lucky enough, we might deserve joy.
The beautiful truth is that our higher-self wants us to choose love and joy. These are much higher vibrations. If we listen to the wisdom of our soul, it points us in the right direction. We are pure, Divine energy within a human form. We have the wisdom of the ages flowing through our veins. We have ancient wisdom. Our soul knows the way.
When faced with a decision, make the one that will bring you the most joy. Your Creator wants only love, joy, and peace for you. Let’s follow the Divine wisdom and follow the joy.
Listening to the whispers of our soul takes some cultivation. Getting still and quiet, enjoying time out in nature or by a source of water makes for some excellent “soul reception.”
When in doubt, follow the joy. Your soul knows the way.
Wrapping you in loving encouragement with this beautiful message that, indeed, you are deserving of living a life of joy and that you are free to give yourself permission to live a life filled with joy.
– Janette
Stay tuned for articles by me on the topic of Living in Joy over the next several weeks. Let’s connect live on May 10th. My angel guides have taught me how to live in joy and I have joy every day. It’s not difficult! Let me share more with you, click below and let’s connect over a cup of tea and angelic inspired guidance in my upcoming master class. Just for joining me I have some wonderful gifts. Wishing you a joy-filled day!
See you May 10th!
~ Janette
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I’m Janette, founder of Angel Angles which exists to spread more love, joy and peace into the world. Angel Angles also shares the Divine beauty which resides within us all. Helping us remember what beautiful, loving, amazing people we are and what a beautiful. loving world we live in.