The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Felicia Reed

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Felicia Reed #WUVIP #QuoteOfTheDay #FeliciaReed #TheWellnessUniverse

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Felicia Reed


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Felicia Reed and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


When we let go, we are able to move forward in amazing ways.  Being stuck is one way to keep us from our intended purposes in life.  By not letting go, we are allowing negativity to control us, and sending out an indication that we are not ready or wanting to receive healing and new opportunities.  We are denying our future by clinging to what we need to get rid of.  Regardless if it\’s people, practices, habits or material elements,  we need to let it go if it is not good for us.  Then we can go where we never thought we could with newfound freedom and desires.
When we let go, we are inviting wisdom to lead us because we recognize what may not be in our best interest.  When we hold onto grief, hurt, harm, hate, setbacks and set ups, we are actually agreeing to feel the way it is intended to make us feel, which is not so good.  Take time to acknowledge the discomfort, honor its place in your life and kindly ask it to leave as it is not in your best interest.  By letting go, we are also increasing our awareness and intuition capacity because it is at that point of release that we know ways in which we never want to feel again.  We are freeing ourselves and others by letting go and moving forward. We are forgiving ourselves for allowing the imbalance.  When we let go, we go on to brighter and more comforting aspects of life.  Don\’t stay stuck in misery as it loves your company.  Simply remember, “When we let go, we go.”


Visit and see more from Felicia at




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