The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry Straatemeier

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Gerry Straatemeier #Love #surrender

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry Straatemeier


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Gerry and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


I don’t know about you, but I have a pile of regrets and resentments I can lose my way in. When one pops up in the early morning (while my defenses are down), it can still grab me and bring me down a bit. I have come to some pretty astounding realizations of late to make its arguments most unpersuasive.

Everything really was perfect, especially the stuff that has been particularly painful to work through – and there was plenty of that. But without the pain to break open my fearful, frozen heart, I would never have discovered the LOVE, light, peace, joy, compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, generosity even, at the center of me that I know now to be my essence – and YOURS. We are all spiritual beings living in human bodies, and all the LOVE energies are the essence of our spirituality. LOVE is knocking at your inner door – it wants to express as and through you.

I am so grateful! You see, recently the words crossed my mind that I really like myself today! That is a miracle and a huge surprise for someone who was deeply depressed for so long and contemplated suicide years ago because I believed I was fatally flawed and my prospects for happiness nonexistent. This happy miracle comes (after some deep forgiveness work and more) from opening the floodgates and letting that LOVE energy flow out through my open heart.

If you are like me and resentments and regrets from the past can reach up and grab you by the throat – and put your positive vibes on MUTE – take a look at them through the eyes of gratitude for how you came to be who you are today and see if you can’t bless those pesky R&R’s and let them go.

See if you too can’t agree that, actually, painful as it may have been in places, it was all perfect. YOU couldn’t have happened any other way.


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