The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda Kaplan

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda-Kaplan-WU-114

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Lynda Kaplan

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the day by Lynda Kaplan. Find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…

Light and darkness.

Both extremes, of which create vivid images in our mind.

Light? Easy. We see colours, people, buildings, nature, animals, and so on.

Darkness? Another dimension altogether. What do we see? It is really what we don’t see. The absence of light.

The quickest thing that can bring light to darkness is of course, light!

Light from a lit match, a torch, an electrical light bulb, or any other external light source.


My suggestion here is that our soul can also help to provide light when darkness prevails through the conscious actions of our physical being, through the initial desire of our soul.

We can bring light where there is desolation, destruction, violence, hurt from other people, and in areas where there is the absence of good in the world.


Each one of us has the ability and potential to bring light in to the world in our own unique way. What you say and do will be different from the next person. In most cases, you can influence an outcome positively, by the way you do or say something.


We all resonate with the giver of information differently. So you never know the impact that you have on other people. By not adding your light and influence, the people around you, and therefore, your potential ripple-effect throughout our world, is a missed opportunity. We all miss out!


Use your light for love, for positive action, starting in your home, your friends, your community, being aware of the ripple effects that your actions have, in changing the whole nature and direction of humanity in our magnificent world.

You may ask, “How can I alone, make anything change in our world”?

Yes, you are one person, but that is all it takes. You might be the one person who inspires other family and friends to undertake or emulate your inspiring acts. They may take an example of what you do, and develop an act that transforms another part of our humanity. You never know until you act. You never know the influence your actions have on other people.


You do have power with in you. Not the ego of power, but the essence of love, kindness, and humanity. The effect of our speech and actions have immense effect on those around us.


Be the light needed in our world.

Remind yourself,

“I am the light needed in the world”.

Shine on now.

Lynda Kaplan

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