28 Affirmations for the Month of February

28 Affirmations for the Month of February by Janette Stuart #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #28Affirmations
During the past two months, I shared my articles “31 Affirmations for the Month of …” 

So many of you joined in that we’re doing it again for February!

Since February has 28 days, we’ll have 28 affirmations during this month when the world turns its focus to love. 

Know that you are loved. You are not alone. We each have a team of angels that loves us unconditionally. You may remember seeing posters here on The Wellness Universe including my affirmations during the month of January. What a joy it was when The Wellness Universe notified me they would be creating and posting an image daily during the month of January featuring my daily affirmations.

The world can always use more love, joy and peace and positivity. Thank you for participating. No worries if you were unable to join in with those affirmations, you can pick up the habit of reciting an affirmation today. Right where you are is a perfect time and the perfect place to begin.

Traditionally, the month of February is when the world seems to focus on love.  Give yourself the gift of more self-love by reciting these affirmations daily.  Let’s profoundly change the trajectory of our thoughts with these affirmations and continue the year with a powerful shift of consciousness.

Can you invest one minute a day on yourself to consciously improve your thoughts and your life this month?  Can you afford not to? 

What is an affirmation?  It is a short, powerful statement used to consciously affect your thoughts in a positive way.  We have an estimated 50,000 thoughts a day and most of them are not pretty.  Often, we are very critical of ourselves.  We would not dream of talking to another the way we “speak” to ourselves in our inner dialogue.

Today, your invitation is to embrace this exercise of reciting an affirmation each day during the month of February.  Doing this will help to positively transform your thoughts (and your life) for the better.

An affirmation only needs to feel about 50% true for it to resonate with you, dear one.  By stating an affirmation, you are calling that intention to you using the powerful Law of Attraction.  By speaking the affirmation out loud, it becomes even more powerful as you activate your throat chakra.

Affirmations that begin with the words “I am” are especially powerful. 

Whatever follows the “I am” becomes your truth.  Be vigilant with the statements you think and say about yourself.  You want to select empowering statements that improve the energy vibration of your life.  For example, if you say, “I am tired, I am sick, I am broke, I am not worthy, I am stuck,…” you are calling more of that low energy toward you.  You can shift those thoughts with more energizing and empowering statements such as “I am getting the rest I need, I am taking time to replenish myself, I am good with money, I am excited about…” These slight shifts have a powerful, transformative effect on the quality of your day and your life.

Please join me in reciting, reflecting and/or pondering the list below; 28 affirmations, one for each day of February:

  1. I am going to enjoy the month of February.
  2. Today, I remember that love is always the answer no matter the question.
  3. I am taking good care of myself.
  4. I am kind to myself.  I think and speak lovingly about myself.
  5. I am focusing on being the change I want to see in the world.
  6. I enjoy the gift of family and friends.
  7. I slow down to enjoy the gift of the present moment.
  8. I enjoy my meals with love and gratitude.
  9. I free up time in my schedule just for me.
  10. Today, I spend time nurturing myself.
  11. Today, I connect with a precious loved one or spend time on a favorite activity.
  12. I am grateful for the beauty of nature.
  13. I am treating myself as a beloved one today.
  14. Today, I hold a loved one or precious memory close to my heart and savor that feeling.
  15. Today, I take time to daydream.
  16. I am good to those around me and communicate clearly, easily and with love.
  17. Today, I try something new.
  18. Today, I nurture my soul.
  19. I am grateful for the gift of my life.
  20. Today, I am on the lookout to spread some kindness where it is needed.
  21. Today, I move my body and have some fun.
  22. Today, I send love and light out into the world.
  23. I remember to breathe and am relaxed and peaceful.
  24. I take time to rest.
  25. Today, I look in the mirror with love.
  26. I am loving to all I encounter and especially to myself.
  27. Today, I perform a random act of kindness.
  28. I reflect on the goodness of this month.
Blessings to you, dear one, as you join me and embrace this exercise of daily affirmations during the month.

You will be astounded at the results this exercise yields. Not only will you benefit greatly from these affirmations, everyone you encounter will also benefit. It is a win-win. You will be a three-dimensional philanthropist in the world. Blessings for an amazing month.

Each year, I select a focus word for the year. In 2016 it was JOY, in 2017 it was DELIGHT and in 2018 it is TRUST. Do you select a focus word for the year also?

My focus is on joy. I will be posting these daily affirmations on my social media. Come visit me on your favorite social media platform.  I’m on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. You can find out more about me and my work on .

– Janette

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