10 Easy Tips for Self-Growth

Self-growth is an intimate unfolding of who you are becoming.

It is the process of “self-curating” into a newer, truer version of yourself as you’re meant to be in your season of life.

Developing and channeling attention and intention into ourselves isn’t self-centered. It is a beautiful tribute to our very unique lives and how we can further grow our reach.

Seeking life-growth is profoundly empowering when done with compassionate intention to reach a higher vibrational version of who we are. This impacts every aspect of our lives; extending through our circles of family, friends, and peers.

Simply stated, self- growth promotes growth in others. Our personal growth expands our own frame of reference to include the people around us. This, in turn, expands our awareness of the vast possibilities and opportunities around us. The result? Abundance, connection, purpose!

Authentic self-growth is completely available to you. Start where you are, and then move forward one step at a time.

Here Are 10 Easy Tips for Self-Growth:

  1. Think about what you value

Knowing what your values are and your “WHY,” is key to cultivating self-growth. Your self-growth depends upon the foundation of your values in order for all other areas to manifest. If you do not know what you value, which is basically who you are, all other areas you want to develop will not take off. Start here as an important first step.

Spend ample time seeking and reflecting upon what you personally value. What you identify as your personal life values, shapes and enhances the very foundation of who you are and acts as a motivator. If you are out of alignment with your values, you will feel out of balance and out of alignment within the context of your life. Values lay the foundation for everything else to be in place for you.

  1. Abundantly embrace change

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Resisting change stops growth. The degree to which you’ll grow, depends upon you embracing change.

  1. Cultivate positivity

Leaning into a mindset of seeing, speaking and being positive is not easy; especially if you are used to hanging out with negativity. Becoming more positive is very achievable when mixed with your conscious-attention and intention to live positively-focused.

  1. Learn the lifestyle of mindfulness

As you seek to grow and find alignment in life, mindfulness lays the founda-tion holding down all parts as they come into place. Mindfulness is a lifestyle practice of being present and aware of the moment with your thoughts, feelings, physical senses and surrounding environment. If this practice is new to you, start by focusing on just one aspect in your day to bring awareness to how you feel when you wake up, or what type of routine you offer yourself. This can be anything you choose.

  1. Practice gratitude

Start or end your day with a pause of what gives you heartfelt gratitude. Done daily, this practice becomes a habit that opens your eyes to all that is abundant for you and you’ll have more to give others. Growth is found here.

  1. Open your mind to new perspectives

Knowing there is always much more going on than what you see and feel is a big step forward toward self-growth. This begins by being open to learning from many sources and perspectives.

  1. Find and own your authentic voice

Tune into your voice as you turn down the noise on other voices. To hear and find your beautiful voice, listen lovingly, quietly and openly. In this compassionate space your voice will grow.

  1. Develop meaningful self-care

As you grow into who are meant to be, self-care plays a major role. How is growth possible when you ignore or downplay your own care and daily needs? We can only give and grow according to what we pour into ourselves.

  1. Learn new things

Learning throughout life promotes growth. When we stop learning we stagnate. Learning is a river of life-affirming energy. A vital life flow.

  1. Challenge your own beliefs

While some beliefs are nurturing and empowering, others are toxic and hold us back from actually experiencing abundance. Use discernment to better understand on which side of the fence, (toxic, limiting, or growth-promoting), your thoughts and feelings are.

Which of these tips did you find useful and inspiring in your self-growth journey? Please share with us in the comments section below!

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A Dose of Inspiration via The Wellness Universe!


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