3 Healing Modalities to Help Induce Well-Being

3 Healing Modalities to Help Induce Well-Being by The Wellness Universe #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #HealingModalities

Healing Modalities: What the Doctor Prescribed –

It’s exciting to see the many energy healing modalities available today.

Modalities that are enhancing Western medical treatments and bringing about deep healing in the body. In fact, the Western medical industry is actually now prescribing yoga as a supportive, healing treatment for chronic pain, anxiety, and depression, to name a few. Whether they realize it or not, doctors are seeing the different results between patients who mindfully meditate and those who live in high-stress environments. They are seeing their patients heal with unconventional methods, and they’re looking to science to study why. It’s a story of east-meets-west, all coming together in harmony.

What do these eastern-based healing modalities like Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, and Reiki have in common?

They are holistic, working on the mind, body, and soul simultaneously. In addition, they are able to positively affect the root of the problem, so the effects last. Each one of them also calms the body so it can naturally begin to heal itself; that’s the real key. When the body’s balance is restored, recovery times are faster and greater relief is experienced. Let’s take a deeper look at how each of these modalities affects traditional therapy and Western treatments.

Here Are 3 Healing Modalities to Help Induce Your Body\’s Natural Well-Being:

  1. Yoga:

Yoga promotes the circulation of blood, lymph, energy, oxygen, nutrients, etc. to every part of the body through gentle, flowing movements. This means more of those healing aids mentioned above can reach the site of injury and repair the body as they are designed to. Science and Western medicine have begun to take note of the health benefits of yoga and perform research and clinical trials to determine whether the two can be used together to provide a more holistic remedy for patients.

If one is seeing a traditional Western medical doctor for back pain, yoga may now be prescribed as a form of supplemental treatment. Here’s what a medical study performed at the West Virginia University School of Medicine found. After study participants practiced yoga routinely for three short months, they reported experiencing 70% less lower-back pain, while 88% of them reduced the use of or stopped taking medication for pain altogether. Body awareness, alignment, and circulation of energy within the body are three factors that promote the effects of well-being and have shown to improve chronic conditions like sciatica, herniated discs, and scoliosis, along with acute back pain from strains and such.

The benefits of yoga reach beyond the physical. Studies like those at San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Alliant University in San Francisco are revealing that practicing yoga twice a week for 6-8 weeks reduces mental conditions like depression and anxiety for participants.

Another study at Boston University’s School of Medicine showed this amazing discovery. After a one-hour yoga session, participants experienced a 27% increase of the neurotransmitter GABA in their brain, which makes the brain less susceptible to anxiety, depression, and Alzheimer’s.

  1. Mindfulness and Meditation:

With mindfulness being an essential component to yoga and meditation, it’s no wonder it also promotes well-being when used alongside traditional treatments of many mental, physical, and emotional conditions.

One remarkable study revealed that after 26 weeks of mindfulness practice, including 8 weekly sessions of yoga and meditation, 43.6% of the participants reported a meaningful reduction in the pain levels they usually experience. Within the same study, nearly 45% of patients who chose to receive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, rather than participate in mindfulness training, experienced significant improvements in their health. A third group in the study chose to continue on with their choice of therapy and after 26 weeks, only about 27% noticed improvements. And the results were still consistent after 52 weeks, clearly showing us that CBT and mindfulness training are equally effective at reducing physical, emotional, and mental pain. From that, one can conclude that using them in conjunction can provide even greater relief.

  1. Reiki and Other Energy Healing Modalities:

Because everything is energy in this world, energy healing modalities are great companions to Western treatments because they actually focus on the core of the problem; finding resistance in the energy flow and using various methods to encourage and initiate the flow again. Reiki is one such healing modality that works on the energetic level to promote a healthy change within the actual cells themselves.

According to the Center for Reiki Research, 800 or so hospitals in the U.S. have implemented Reiki as part of patient care due to how effective it is. One patient who underwent a double mastectomy at Columbia University Medical Center, decided to hire a Reiki master to accompany her and the surgeons in the operating room to channel loving energy throughout the procedure.

After the experience, the physician reported that the surgery went more smoothly and there was less pain and faster recovery time for the patient. In fact, after a day to two, pain medication was not even necessary for this procedure that is typically very painful. This physician, who regularly incorporates a Reiki practitioner in the OR, always notices his skeptical staff members being changed after their experience with it.

No matter the healing modalities you resonate with, each of them can be used along every step of your healing journey.

Yoga, mindfulness, meditation, and Reiki can all be used to prevent illness, supplement on-going treatment, boost recovery time during rehabilitation, and even provide relief for those undergoing palliative care. Best of all, they all induce the body’s natural state of well-being.

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