30 Angel Affirmations for June 2021

Welcome to June. June is traditionally a month we focus on Dad’s, Grads and Brides and Summer Fun and Adventures here in the Northern Hemisphere.

Many of us are ready to have fun and celebrate after our year of being apart from one another. The world is opening up, and we are itching to gather.

The angels have been clear that this month, the angel affirmations will be about fun and celebration.

Remember to continue to treat yourself well, which includes positive and loving self-talk. Affirmations can boost our inner dialogue and positively impact our lives.  

What is an affirmation? 

It is a short, powerful statement used to consciously affect your thoughts positively. We have an estimated 50,000 thoughts a day, and most of them are not pretty. Often, we are very critical of ourselves. We would never dream of talking to another person the way we “speak” to ourselves in our inner dialogue. I invite you to join me each day to recite these angel affirmations to bring more goodness, grace, and nourishment into our lives.  

An affirmation only needs to feel about 50% true for it to resonate with you. Affirmations that begin with the words “I am” are incredibly powerful. Whatever follows the “I am” becomes your truth.

Be vigilant with the thoughts you think and say about yourself. You want to select empowering statements that improve the energy vibration of your life. For example, if you say, “I am tired. I am sick. I am broke. I am not worthy. I am stuck,” you are calling more of that low energy toward you.

You can shift those thoughts with affirmations. 

This Month’s Affirmations

This month we’ll focus on celebrating the gift of our lives; one affirmation for each day in June.

  1. May fun guide my choices today.
  2. Today, I give myself a break. I deserve it.
  3. Today, I find something to celebrate.
  4. Today, I look for and enjoy the beauty of the natural world.
  5. Today, I shine my big, beautiful light for all to see. I radiate love and joy.
  6. Today, I honor the precious gift of my life by indulging in some well-deserved self-care.
  7. Today, I trust that all is well and that I am loved, supported, and protected every step of the way.
  8. Today, I celebrate my loved ones, friends, and neighbors as the unique gifts they are in my life.
  9. May I find fun in the ordinary along my way today.
  10. May goodness and grace envelope every cell of my being.
  11. Today is a perfect day for fun.
  12. Today, I look for ways to enjoy it all.
  13. May I nurture and honor myself by filling my cup with restorative goodness.
  14. May I appreciate all that I have.
  15. Today, may  I realize that I am enough, just as I am.
  16. May I feel worthy and deserving of every blessing flowing to me always.
  17. Today, I lighten up and enjoy the gift of my life.
  18. Today, I remember that disappointments or closed doors are opportunities for my greater good.
  19. Today, I focus on the dreams and desires of my heart.
  20. Today, I honor the special men in my life.
  21. Today, I embrace possibilities and potential.
  22. Today, I release a burden that is weighing me down.
  23. I enjoy my creativity and let it blossom.
  24. Today, I enjoy the magical gift of nature and look for wonder and delight.
  25. Today, I allow fun to seep into every task I undertake.
  26. Today, I celebrate the gift of friends and family.
  27. Today, I rest, restore and rejuvenate my spirit.
  28. I welcome the new week with open arms and an open heart.
  29. Today, I do something kind for another.
  30. Today, I reach out and connect with a friend or loved one.

Thank you for enjoying our monthly angel affirmations. Have you ever wondered what an angel reading would be like for you? Angels are God’s messengers and are pure, unconditional love. Their messages are uplifting, inspiring, beautiful, and customized just for you. I’d be honored to provide this service for you to gain clarity and connect to the divine wisdom of the angels. Find out more .

To help you keep self-care in the forefront this month, enjoy my free, gorgeous self-care rituals journal to bring more love, joy, and peace into your life. My gift to you as an opt-in to my love letters from the angels. Get yours HERE.

Connect with Jannette Stuart on The Wellness Universe & Walk Away Feeling Better!

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The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care Launches June 22! Join our party, win prizes, and meet the authors. The Wellness Universe matches every paperback copy sold on 6/22 to support TAPS.org Women\’s Empowerment!

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The Wellness Universe is here to serve your best well-being. If you are experiencing anxiety, grief, overwhelm, guilt, anger, or seeking ways to cope and get help for stress, relationships, parenting, or any other issue during this challenging time, we have wonderful resources for you to connect with. Our WU Best Help members are offering reduced rates, sliding scale payment options, and even pro-bono sessions.
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The Wellness Universe invites you to SoulTreat Wellness Retreat for Mind, Body, and Spirit. Imagine yourself and your friends in the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina for self-care workshops, talks, and one-on-one experiences with wellness experts from around the globe this October.
Release what no longer serves you. Reset your mind, body, and soul.
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