Wellness Wednesday with Moira Hutchison Episode 1

Wellness Wednesday with Moira Hutchison Episode 1

In this installment of Wellness Wednesday with Moira Hutchison Episode 1, she will share a breathing technique to help you in your everyday life. 

This week\’s Wellness Wednesday tip is from WU World Changer Moira Hutchison as she shares a breathing technique to help you become more mindful and productive in your everyday life.

Moira Hutchison is a Mindfulness Coach, Energy Healer, Tarot Card Reader, Author and Speaker whose focus is helping people shift from a feeling of being stuck or adrift in life to feeling motivated and in charge.

It is her passion to show people that THEY are the solution they have been looking for all along. When people feel confused, overwhelmed and stuck, especially in the Western world, we are conditioned to search for the silver bullet, the quick fix so that we can opt out of our painful life… when it doesn’t work people get depressed, frustrated and angry.  Moira has been in a position where she had absolutely no power over her own life because she bought into an “external” solution – truth is there is no such thing and her mission is to help people get the answers they need from within.

Happy Wellness Wednesday and we hope you enjoyed the video! Be sure to connect with Moira!

– The Wellness Universe Team 

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