The earth as you know it will never be the same. This does not mean it is a bad thing. Your planet has been ruled by those who wish to control it by controlling its inhabitants, including the animals. It is time for them to step down.
It is time for the earth and all sentient beings to become free from the tyranny of those currently in power so each can shine their magnificent light and be all they can be, without oppression.
The days ahead may not be easy. For some they will be harder than for others. It all depends on how you choose to experience this shift. The more you resist it, the more challenging it will be for you. We advise you to do your best to stay out of fear and trust that whatever you see happening around you and around the world is a necessary purging of all that no longer serves you or the divine plan.
When you find yourself going into fear, take time to allow these feelings to surface and rather than holding on to them by becoming obsessed with fear thoughts, simply let them go and replace them with your inner knowing that all is well, regardless of how things appear on the surface.
This is the time to go deeper within yourself, back to your inner truth. It is time to let go of sourcing outside of yourself for all your answers for the truth is within you and always has been. You have given up your power and your sovereignty due to your programming and conditioning that you all experienced since birth.
You are now ready to live the life that is intended for all. A life of peace, love, joy, and abundance. Heaven on earth awaits you.
Marisa’s Musings
I received this message in December of 2020 and I admit, I’ve been reluctant to share it. Why? Simply because I know there are some people who label this type of information as “conspiracy theories” and then proceed to attack those who post what they consider to be nonsense.
No one likes being attacked, including me, and I’m choosing to no longer allow my fear of being verbally attacked stop me from sharing these types of messages with you. If you don’t agree with them, no problem. You are free to move on to consuming information that better reflects your view of the world.
If, on the other hand, you feel truth in the words shared in the message above, I invite you to follow the recommendations of allowing any fears to surface and then let them go.
I feel grateful that instead of feeling afraid of what’s going on, I actually feel excited. I think it’s great that the old systems that have been in place for so long are breaking down and making room for new systems that can better serve ALL of humanity.
We live in a world that is so abundant and with all the technology we have, it makes no sense to me that there are still people starving every day and whose other basic needs aren’t being met. Years ago, this led me to start questioning the intentions of those in power. From what I can see, they don’t take into consideration the interests of all beings when making decisions that impact us all. If they really cared about all of us, there wouldn’t be so many people struggling just to survive.
I envision a new world where EVERYONE has more than enough to live a healthy, happy and vibrant life and where our animals and mother earth are respected and cared for as well. I believe that together, we can create this world. One thing we can all do, no matter where we live, is take even a few minutes a day to sit in quiet meditation and envision this world.
Everything that exists in our physical world first began with a thought.
I believe that the more we focus on this shared vision, the faster it will become our reality. Will you join me in focusing your thoughts on envisioning a world where we can experience heaven on earth?
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