A Conversation With: Lynda Goldman

A Conversation With: Lynda Goldman #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #LyndaGoldman

Welcome to The Wellness Universe\’s new “A Conversation With …” interview series! Each week, we will feature interviews from some of our amazing WU World Changers so you can learn about who they are as a person, their profession, mission, and their “why.”

A Conversation with Lynda Goldman – Book Coach and Publishing Expert.

  1. Hello Lynda, Please Tell Us about Yourself: 

With a fine arts degree and no job prospects, I never expected to write 44 books, and become a book coach and publisher. My first job was teaching English as a Second Language at the college level. When a colleague asked me to help her write a book, I was naïve but excited. We self-published a book, long before Amazon existed. The book caught the eye of an acquisition’s editor at Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, who asked us to write an educational series. The books became long-time bestsellers, and one series led to another, including contracts with two more publishers, including Oxford University Press.

I later self-published several business books which sold thousands of copies and helped me build a speaking and training business.

I then moved into health and wellness as a copywriter, which included editing and ghostwriting books for my clients.

My recent book, Write to Heal: 7 Steps to Write and Publish a Wellness Book, was a #1 Amazon bestseller in the US, Canada, and Australia. My new course, Author in an Hour teaches wellness providers, coaches and entrepreneurs to write their own books. My publishing company, Wellness Ink has published more than 15 books in the past year. My gift is to help people get their healing messages out into the world.

  1. Lynda, What is it That Inspires You?

I like to say that I help people write the books I want to read! I’ve been reading health and self-help books all my life, and they have helped me immensely. Now I want to help wellness experts get their wisdom and life experiences out into the world, so they can help more people, by writing their books.

  1. Will You Please Tell Us What You Call Yourself and Explain What it is That You Do?

Officially I’m called a book coach, publishing expert, and founder of Wellness Ink, a wellness publishing company. But I like to call myself the “book midwife” because writing and publishing a book is a little like bring bringing a child into the world. You are ushering new and unique ideas into existence, and that’s what I help people do.

  1. How Exactly Does That Help Someone?

I help wellness providers and coaches to focus on a topic, write their book, self-publish or find a publisher, and then get an Amazon bestseller! Yes, everyone who has worked with me to get a bestseller has succeeded, I’m proud to say.

  1. Why are You So Passionate about Book Coaching and Publishing?

Becoming an author is an awesome experience because it transforms the writer, as well as the many people who will read your book. That’s why I love to help wellness providers and coaches become authors. I also believe that books are one of the most powerful ways to get your message into the world on a wide scale, so you help more people and leave a legacy.

  1. Did A Specific Life Experience Prompt You to Follow this Path?

Two early experiences led to this path. I always loved reading and remember reading my first book at around 7 years old: Nancy Drew’s The Secret Staircase. That led to a lifetime of joy of reading. Books are a vital part of my life. I also had an early experience of working in an old-age hospital, when I first graduated from college. I worked with people who had a very poor quality of life, and I vowed to do everything I could to stay healthy for as long as I lived. This led to my passion for health, so I now specialize in helping wellness providers write their books!

  1. How Long Have You Been Doing This?

I’ve been writing books for more than 30 years and coaching people to write books for about 10 years, after ghostwriting books for my clients before that.

  1. Will You Share A Story as to How You Have Made A Difference in Someone’s Life?

My client, Dr. Melodie Billiot, wrote to me, “You have enabled my dream to write the book that’s been in my head for so long.” That’s what most of my clients tell me. They have the ideas swirling around in their heads, but they can’t focus them and get them on paper. Once they work with me, they find writing their books as easy as filling in the blanks. I’ve helped my clients write books on women’s hormones, parenting, weight loss, mold sickness, gut health, happiness, cancer prevention, meditation, and much more.

  1. What is Next on the Horizon for You?

I’m also an artist and want to spend more time painting, and perhaps, create a journal that inspires creativity, combining my art and writing.

  1. Thank You So Much for Sharing Today! Do You Have Any Final Thoughts? 

If you have a book inside you, find a way to write and publish it. Don’t let your story die with you. You owe it to the world to share your wisdom.

If you would like to connect with Lynda Goldman, please visit: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/lyndagoldman

You\’re invited to grab a copy of Lynda Goldman\’s free roadmap to your next book!

– The Wellness Universe

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