Affirmations to Transform Your Life

Affirmations to Transform Your Life by Janette Stuart #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #TransformYourLife

Affirmations are words you speak to call the truth of them deeper into your life. They have the power to change the course of your life. It is important to use positive affirmations to call forth more positive mojo into our days. An affirmation need only feel a bit true to benefit from them, the more you state an affirmation, the more believable it becomes. These affirmations will help you get you to where you want to be.

Use these powerful words to transform your life now:
  1. I am safe wherever I go. I have enough. I am enough. Abundance flows to me now.
  2. I am deserving of every happiness as I am a precious child of God.
  3. I am a creative genius. I allow my creations to flow through me now.
  4. I am worthy of love. It is safe for me to love.
  5. I speak my truth easily, clearly and with love.
  6. It is safe for me to use my intuition. I am a wise one. The wisdom of the ages flows through me.
  7. I am supported by a benevolent Universe. I live my divine truth. I am connected to God, Source, Higher Power, … All that Is.

Affirmations work based on the principles of the Law of Attraction. We have all used negative affirmations successfully also. How many times have you thought the following? These negative affirmations will keep you stuck where you do not wish to be, dear one. Please consider removing them from your thoughts and replacing them with a better, more positive affirmation, something you actually do want more of in your life.

Avoid these negative words starting today:
  1. I’ll never get a better job, relationship, house…
  2. I don’t deserve happiness because I did that terrible thing.
  3. I have an awful memory.
  4. I will always be fat.
  5. I’m terrible with money.
  6. I’m not good enough.

If the positive affirmations listed above in the first list feel too far from your current situation, too big of a stretch, you can tweak them slightly to make them seem more attainable by offering a twist on the affirmation such as:

  1. I am becoming a vibrational match to being safe wherever I go, having enough, being enough and receiving the abundance which will flow to me.
  2. I am becoming a vibrational match to being deserving of every happiness as I am a precious child of God.
  3. I am becoming a vibrational match to being a creative genius. I allow my creations to flow through me now.
  4. I am becoming a vibrational match to being worthy of love. It is safe for me to love.
  5. I am becoming a vibrational match to speaking my truth easily, clearly and with love.
  6. I am becoming a vibrational match to safely use my intuition and being a wise one. The wisdom of the ages flows through me.
  7. I am becoming a vibrational match to being supported by a benevolent Universe, to living my divine truth and being connected to God, Source, Higher Power, … All that Is.

Here’s to blessings of love, joy, and peace, dear one, as you transform your life by using these affirmations now and the remainder of this year. Here’s to your big, beautiful life. Know that you are Divinely loved and supported. You are never alone.

If you’d like to find out more about your heavenly support team or receive more inspiration, I invite you to .


