Carrie Doubts

Carrie Doubts is a Transformational Coach specializing in supporting people through life transitions. Her 9-step Program, Rebuilding Your Life After Loss, helps people to reconnect with their heart, reclaim their power, and re-align with their purpose to create their life's next chapter.

Is Grief Affecting Your Health?

Is Grief Affecting Your Health? The short answer is, “Yes.” Grief is a stress reaction and, if you are grieving, you know that it takes a lot out of you, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Emotions are drivers of stress. Lower energy emotions like anxiety, anger, frustration, sadness, or hopelessness provide the fuel for […]

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3 Tips to Emotionally Release Grief

Grief affects us on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social levels. What’s difficult for most people are the feelings associated with grief. No one wants to feel sadness, anger, fear, guilt, loneliness, despair, frustration, resentment, bitterness, hopelessness. These feelings stem from the deep sense of abandonment we feel when we experience loss. We tend

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Why the Stages of Grief are No Longer Used by Professionals

If you’ve done any grief work you’ve heard of the five stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, leading to acceptance. This stage model is based on the work of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross in her book On Death and Dying. She proposed a theoretical framework to describe the process one goes through when they are facing

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