Clothes Have Magical Healing Powers?

Clothes Have Magical Healing Powers by Annie Pool #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #MagicalHealingPowers

How My Sparkly Pants Helped Me Overcome Incurable Cancer

Did you know your clothes have magical healing powers?

There are some people who think that fashion is shallow. I beg to differ. Because it took a pair of sparkly pants to help me overcome incurable cancer.

The right clothing can absolutely make every bit of difference in the way you feel. I have learned that this is especially true if you are on a cancer journey. With the right kind of clothes, you can achieve big things.

Let’s consider Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz as an example. Her ruby red slippers could magically transport her from the gray place of Kansas to the land of her dreams. Each time she put them on her feet, she could leave behind all the gray people, the gray skies, and the gray fields.

Have you ever thought about how your clothes make you feel? Take a moment to notice the next time you schlep around in a pair of pajamas or wear colorless, grungy fashions. Clothing like this can drain your energy and only make you feel sicker.

I discovered this when I was diagnosed with Stage 3.C/4 incurable cancer. I couldn’t wear the same old clothes anymore. They reminded me of things I couldn’t do anymore now that life was suddenly a big question mark. What’s more, my old clothes reminded me of a person I would never be again.

Having already undergone two chemo treatments, I needed to wear something new — but not just any piece of clothing would do. I needed something that would make me feel sexy, and empowered; clothes that would enliven my spirit, not drain my energy. Not only that, I wanted to feel impossibly chic again — to dress my body as if it was a beautiful work of art. It was vital to wear clothing that could inspire me to dream and serve as a powerful reminder that I was not going to merely survive — but THRIVE.

So, one night I did something crazy. I bought a pair of pants. These weren’t your regular Mom jeans, they were a pair of magic pants. Dorothy had her red sequined shoes; I had my sparkly pants. Not your ordinary pants, these were body hugging britches that could magically transport me to the Land of my Dreams. They were the definition of ultimate perfection: sexy, skin tight, tuxedo pants covered in midnight blue sequins that sparkled like the sun.

Sporting a brunette wig, I would wear my sparkly pants to the grocery store in the middle of the day. “You look like a million bucks!” a few passersby would tell me. To be sure that people hadn’t noticed that I didn’t have any eyebrows or eyelashes or that I was wearing a wig — and to make doubly sure they weren’t patronizing me because they saw that I was a cancer patient, I would test them. ‘Well, you’ll never guess,’ I’d explain, ‘but I just had chemo yesterday.’ Speechless, everyone expressed astonishment that I looked so fabulous in spite of the fact I had just undergone chemo.

My sparkly pants channeled my inner diva and kept the vision alive that I was still a desirable, sensual woman. Nope, cancer hadn’t been able to stamp out my sense of inner beauty and self-worth, after all.

That’s why, when you dress like a million bucks, people will be able to see the person you are becoming. They will treat you like you are a million bucks.

Women who are coping with cancer often ask the question, “What should I wear to my next chemo treatment? The typical answer I often hear is to wear something comfortable. After all, chemo sessions can last all day. Besides, there’s a catheter port to consider.

But I say this, the next time you are thinking about what to wear for your chemo treatments, try this instead. Buy something new that inspires you to dream and wear that to your next session. Trust me, it will make a world of difference in how you look and feel about yourself.

And that, without a doubt, will be a game changer.


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