Find Stability, Create Balance, Feel Secure

The key to creating balance is to calm down. Continuous thinking and continuous action without taking a pause is inappropriate. If you are out of balance, it can cause instability. Too much business can even cause you to be imbalanced.

Observe Yourself from a Calmer Level of Awareness

Start by catching yourself as you move through your day. Make notes as you watch your habits and patterns and ask yourself:

  • Am I in continuous motion?
  • Is my mind always busy?
  • Do I allow my mind to control me and jump between thoughts?
  • Am I working on tasks all the time?
  • Do I constantly go from one thing to the next?

Change Your Perspective

To feel stable, it is important to stop yourself throughout the day, to begin to experience yourself and your thoughts from a calmer level of awareness.

Start with the following exercise:

  • Sit quietly and connect with your breath.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply.
  • Focus on your body and how it feels, and let your mind sweep slowly from your toes to your head and back down again.
  • Look at something in nature. It can be a country view, a tree, or a simple plant, leaf, or flower.

Change the Way You Think of Movement—Adjust Your Rhythm

Try moving differently to your usual rhythm. Walk slowly, your full attention on each step, and observe the way your body moves. Move with full awareness rather than living in your head and disconnecting from your body. If you are constantly exercising or overexerting yourself, slow down and move slowly with awareness.

When you change the way your body moves, your mind shifts, and your thoughts flow in a new pattern. This helps you to refocus and quiet your mind. It calms your emotions to help you to stabilize.

Act from a Calm, Higher Place

When you let go of the business of the world and the many demands that appear to be outside of you, you naturally begin to open to a higher flow of truth. When you slow down, breathe, and take a pause, it helps to achieve a state of serenity. You can live and function from a place of peace.

If your mind continuously races and fast thoughts drive you to act immediately. If you are impulsive, it can lead to problems and even a crisis. If you have prominent issues to address, stop for a moment and connect with the higher flow. Allow your mind to expand and take the opportunity to view everything from various angles before acting, especially for big decisions. It could be a career move, a new house, or a car, or before signing a contract.

When there is a major decision to make, it is better to take time to think about it rather than rush into it.

Pause and take a breath:

  • I do not have to rush.
  • I take my time so that I can do an excellent job.
  • I think before I act.
  • I think before I speak.
  • Consider the good old saying, “Look before you leap.”
  • I view all possible actions with peace.
  • I consider what the most joyful outcome will be.
  • I live out probable futures in my mind before I act.

When we view change with careful thought, we can see the possible outcomes and consequences of our actions. We can manifest a bright future with balance and peace.

Your World Follows Your Attitude

A gift of the world is that it is a place of action and reaction. Every action we take sends ripples into the world, like ripples on a still pond that spiral outward. All actions affect possible futures and make changes in our life path. It follows that the more we anticipate the effects of our actions, the more we can take an action that is directed by the higher flow and greater wisdom. When we act from this higher space, we set up more joy and balance in the present and create a balanced future.

The Joy Filter

Attitude and outlook on life act like a filter. The way we react to circumstances and people affects our stability. When we interpret life through a filter of joy, we create joy around us and develop a filter of joy. A positive, optimistic outlook filters out negative and more dense experiences and reactions.

Pause and take a breath:

  • What is my attitude when I talk to myself?
  • Is my attitude joyful?
  • Do I approach new tasks with optimism?
  • Do I congratulate myself often?
  • How do I react to other people’s challenges?
  • Do I allow the feelings of others to dislodge me from my centre?
  • Do I allow the energy of others to affect me?

Take a moment to consider how you are affected by other people’s problems and stories. Observe instances where your balance has been disturbed by someone else’s lack of balance. Their circumstances may not affect you directly, yet you are still depressed or upset as they project their issues or misfortunes onto you. Decide to make the shift away from this.

  • I can keep my balance.
  • I am not dependent on others responding in a balanced way.
  • I remain centred and balanced.

If someone behaves or responds in an unstable way:

  • I do not allow myself to be insecure and unstable.
  • I choose not to feel angry.
  • I choose to keep my sense of balance and stability.
  • I choose not to resonate with the unbalanced part of others.
  • I send unconditional Love.
  • I connect with the highest flow of myself.
  • Whatever I picture balance to be, it will be.

Discover Your Balance

Balance is discovering the point between opportunities. It is about moderation, not extremes. We are all constantly involved in maintaining balance, both literally and physically, in the sense of the inner ear and the way we juggle all aspects of life. Achieving balance in life means doing things proportionately.

In my twenties, I had a career as a sales manager. I was good at my job and hit and exceeded my targets well, but whatever I did was never good enough for my boss. He always found the words to put me down, undermine, and diminish me. Even on the day I resigned, his response was, “But you’ve had a good week; it could have been better!” What! I could not believe what I had just heard.

On reflection, I understand now that he was out of balance, unstable, and insecure. He constantly craved acknowledgment from the company hierarchy, relied on others to fulfill his need for security, and projected his instability onto others to feel better about himself. At the time I allowed him to affect my mind, feelings, and opinion of myself. Today I always look within and allow the flow of higher wisdom to lead me.

Find Inner Security—Love Yourself

Most of us think that to have security we must find something or somebody in the outer world who will fulfill what we believe is missing to make us feel secure. No one can give us anything before we give it to ourselves. If you cannot give it to yourself, no one else can give it to you.

Nothing you seek now to try to feel secure, such as money, a partner, marriage, a home, acknowledgement, recognition, praise, success, and fame and fortune, will fulfill the need until you discover your inner security.

Pause and take a breath:

  • How secure do I feel?
  • What am I seeking now?
  • Do I demand love from others?
  • Am I dependent on phone calls?
  • Do I constantly check my social media reactions?
  • Do I need affection from others?
  • Do I need to feel special?
  • Do I need lots of hugs?
  • Do I desire to be entwined in another person’s life?
  • Do I make someone else my project rather than work on myself?
  • Do I need to feel part of something?
  • Do I feel safe?
  • Am I constantly disappointed?

The way to satisfy security needs is to LOVE YOURSELF. Only you can fulfill all your security needs, and all the security and self-love are already within you.

Security comes from having something in life that is bigger than you. Something you are reaching for that attracts, pulls, and calls to you. It takes a goal that makes you take risks, open up, and discover who you truly are. Security comes from discovering the purpose of the Soul Self, or Higher Self, and flowing with true purpose to feel secure in the world.


  • Take time to connect with nature, the trees, and the earth.
  • Think of a prominent issue in your life, such as a large purchase, relationship, or career.
  • Sit quietly, connect with your breath, and focus only on the rhythm of your body as it breathes.
  • Let the issue you are dealing with come back into your mind, feel yourself expand, and ask the Higher Intelligence of the universe to guide you.
  • Stay in this quiet space and ask what you can do to bring more balance and stability into your life.
  • Create a simple symbol for balance, stability, and security. Whatever comes to mind. Let the image grow, expand, and become more beautiful and powerful.

Practice this whenever you can and observe how your body, mind, emotions, and life transform.

Simply taking time out of the busy world system and demands slows our thinking mind and stressed body. The resulting calm and inner peace herald a life of stability, balance, and a sense of security, natural positivity, and joy.

To deepen your inner connection, you can join my recorded Ling Chi Healing Meditation program on the Wellness Universe

Check out Carole’s Wellness Universe Profile Page for a short Chi Kung video to help you find inner balance.

Follow Carole on Facebook and Instagram.

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1 thought on “Find Stability, Create Balance, Feel Secure”

  1. Thank you, Carole, for this wonderful article full of tips and tools to help us create more balance in our lives. I love your “joy filter” section in particular. Just by reading your helpful article, I feel more peaceful, calm, and secure.

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