Finding Beauty in Everyday Experiences

Finding Beauty in Everyday Experiences by Janette Stuart #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #FindingBeauty

Hello beautiful one, and yes I mean YOU. You, lovely woman, who is working hard taking care of all the responsibilities in your life each and every day. You, lovely woman, who often feels overwhelmed, stressed, underappreciated and exhausted. This article is an invitation to enable you to make ways for finding beauty in your everyday experiences. Why? Because by finding beauty in your everyday experiences, it not only makes you happier it also benefits those around you to feel happier; making the world a better place.

You are more powerful than you can imagine. Appreciating beauty in your life will make you look and feel your best. By seeking and finding beauty, you are filled with more beauty inside, as a result, you become even more beauty-filled, more beautiful.

You probably feel that you don’t have an extra second to spare during your busy day and putting one more thing on your to-do list might put you over the edge. Here is an invitation to consider some ways you can reap an additional 5-10 minutes for yourself for finding beauty in your everyday experiences.

Here’s a list of ways to get some time for finding beauty in your day:
  1. Postpone or eliminate a non-essential task from your to-do list
  2. Instead of hitting the snooze alarm in the morning several times, get up and greet the day
  3. Put your phone or tablet away for 10 minutes
  4. Eliminate some television time
  5. Delegate a task to someone else

Once you’ve committed to making the time for pursuing beauty in your everyday experiences, you are well on your way to finding it. The following are things I like to do every day to help me find more beauty.

Here are some ways of finding beauty every day:
  1. Listen to music which uplifts your soul
  2. Take a meditative walk in nature
  3. Be outdoors
  4. Enjoy a favorite beverage peacefully
  5. Gaze at the sky, either day or night provides such ever-changing beauty
  6. Create from your heart, I love to write and that is usually my go-to
  7. Visit positive, uplifting sites on social media
  8. Be with someone who elevates your spirit

We each are able to find something which we deem is beautiful in our world. You may love flowers, food, quilts, music, architecture, art, fashion or animals. Whatever you enjoy, whatever you feel is beautiful, focus on savoring the beauty of that thing.

You may even feel inspired to take a photograph of the beauty you find in your world each day for a month. It’s easy, just have your smartphone handy and get out there. You can post your pictures on social media if you choose to further inspire others and to share your joy.

A wonderful thing about finding beauty in our everyday experiences, it that it fills us up with a sense of joy and wonder, which increases our feeling of appreciation. Our stress is lessened when we feel the joy that beauty creates. We are more relaxed, lighter in mood, lighter in the way we carry ourselves, lighter and freer with the way we view ourselves and others. Not only does it make us feel better, it makes us even look more beautiful. Our positive energy is contagious. We actually help fill others up with our increased sense of beauty and joy. We are better, brighter and lighter and have more energy to care for all of our responsibilities with a greater feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of being connected to something bigger than just ourselves. We are more powerful than we realize.

Our inner beauty exudes more joyfully with our sense of renewed enthusiasm for life and for all the beauty we can see and appreciate at every turn. Our inner beauty translates to an even more beautiful outer self.

We increase the level of goodness and grace in our world by filling ourselves up with this measure of self-care. In turn, we can share this technique for elevating our awareness of the beauty around us with our coworkers, friends, children, and grandchildren.

There you go beautiful one, making the world a better place. You are more powerful than you realize. Go share your beauty-filled, beautiful self with the world right where you are today.

Thanking you in advance for finding beauty in your everyday experiences.



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