Forgiveness Prayer to Forgive the Unforgivable –
Oh, Divine Spirit, Creator of All That Is, whatever You and all that You are, thank You for the many bountiful blessings You have bestowed upon us and our lineages. We love You. Thank You for loving us. We come to You, knowing You are always here with us in all Your great and vast nature.
For all of us and all our ancestors throughout time, space, dimension, and all realms.
For all the times we turned away from another, especially when in need, for times others turned us away, especially when we were in need, and for all the times we felt we didn’t fit in, and times we were threatened by others who we felt didn’t fit in – please help us to all forgive each other and help us to all forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For any and all acts of greed, selfishness, a sense of superiority and entitlement, acts of domination, mistreatment, and disrespect of one to another or another to us, and for the times others saw us as ‘less than’ or undeserving of our love, attention, compassion, and respect, and for the times we saw another like this – please help us all to forgive each other and help us all to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For the times that others took from us without asking permission and for the times we did this to others, for the times we were heavy-handed with others and for the times that others did this to us, please help us all to forgive each other and to forgive ourselves. Please and thank You.
For all the times we felt misunderstood, unseen, or unheard, and for the times we did this to others, knowingly or unknowingly – please help us all to forgive each other, for all of it, fully and completely. Please and thank You.
For all the times we were swept up in and overwhelmed by events beyond our control and we felt unable or unwilling to do anything about it.
When we felt the weight of such events burden our hearts to the breaking point, any self-doubt or despair that arose and the suffering that ensued because of it – please help us all to forgive each other and help us to forgive ourselves, no matter what, now and forever. Please and thank You.
For all the times we witnessed violence, had violence brought down upon us, or any time we projected violence of any kind onto another – please help us all to forgive each other and to forgive ourselves completely. Help us to keep our hearts open and filled with compassion for all beings, including compassion for ourselves. Help us to clearly see that ‘the other is you’ in each other, and find enlightenment and illumination is this. Please and thank You.
For all the times we felt hopelessness around not being able to live in peace and prosperity together in the world, as one unified people, and for all that we made it mean about ourselves, each other, society, life in general – even and especially what we made it mean about You, Divine Spirit – please help us to all forgive each other, no matter what, for all that happened. Help us to forgive ourselves, and help us to forgive You, Divine Spirit, for the part we felt You played in any of it, now and forever. Please and thank You.
Help us to grow beyond fear and hatred, separation and estrangement into love, unity, and compassion for one another and for ourselves, fully realizing that we are all connected to You and each other and are never, ever alone. Please help us to fully see this in our lives. Help us to find resolution in all our conflicts, within ourselves and with others, embrace humanitarianism and philanthropy. Please and thank You.
Help us to awaken to and experience our true nature and expand our consciousness. May we find and live in love, peace, and unity for us all, forever and ever.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
Please and thank You.
– Elizabeth
If you struggle with forgiveness, release yourself from your source of suffering, with This is a simple, effective, and profound process to help you release the pressure of resentment you feel. It helps you shift and uplift your energy, heal past pains, dissolve self-destructive negative thought patterns, and help you find peace.
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Elizabeth is a Health Facilitator, Empowerment Coach, EFT/Tapping and Ancestral Clearing Practitioner, and Kundalini Yoga Teacher, helping people to step into the power of their own healing. She has turned her attention as a patient advocate and health facilitator in service to the alarmingly high population of people who suffer from stress, chronic pain, and the quest for a life free from suffering.