Insights and Inspirations: Vulnerability

Insights and Inspirations: Vulnerability by The Wellness Universe #WUVIP #WUWorldChanger #Vulnerability


How do you achieve what you want the most in life? Sometimes, it is us standing in our own way. How comfortable are you with being vulnerable? Many experts agree, tapping into your vulnerability is not a weakness, but a strength we need in order to achieve our desires.

We asked some experts, our WU World-Changers, to share with us “How do you tap into your vulnerability to achieve your desires?”

Read what Insights and Inspirations on Vulnerability they had to share.

Be sure to connect with them each, directly!

Hidden in your vulnerability is your greatest strength. It’s what makes you unique, wise, and beautiful. There’s a discomfort we feel the moment we surpass our comfort zone and unfortunately, that’s often the moment we retreat and go back to what we’ve grown used to. Not because it’s better, but because it’s so familiar. By using that discomfort as a signal, that lets us know we’re about to enter new ground, greater awareness, and potential; we can use that feeling to move us forward instead of allowing it to hold us back.

Our best selves are waiting right outside our comfort zone and it takes a willingness to be vulnerable to serve as the fuel to help us get there.

Dr. Debi Silber

Transformational Psychologist, health, mindset, and personal development expert.

I’d like to start with a quote. “Adler viewed perfection as an ideal which can never really be reached,” that there is a difference between “sound striving for perfection and…wanting to be perfect [italics added],” and that in psychotherapy people “learn to face their own imperfection… They acquire the courage to be imperfect” (Lazarsfeld, 1966, pp. 163-164).

Before I studied Individual Psychology (Alfred Adler’s approach towards psychotherapy), I had worked in the field of mental health for more than 10 years. And, I struggled. I struggled with perfectionism and the classic Type A personality, overcompensating for not feeling that I was good enough. Helping others, but not showing my weaknesses, even avoiding weaknesses when possible. Then I met an Adlerian who changed my world and guided me to Adler University and my own personal growth, my studies in Individual Psychology, and my embrace of being imperfect.

There is a wonderful children’s book by Margie Palentini called Mooseltoe where father Moose is desperately trying to make a perfect Christmas. And then everything goes wrong. In the end, he makes himself the Christmas tree and Margie Palentini’s words are that he is “perfectly perfect.” We come into this world with our intact self, as is (perfectly-perfect), approaching the tasks of life with our one-of-a-kind personality and skills that we were given at birth. Then we feel lesser than. And the lesser than is where vulnerability lives. When we feel lesser than, we hide our true selves, and overcompensate, reaching for an ideal that can never be reached.

These overcompensations keep us from who we truly are. In being vulnerable, in having the courage to be imperfect, we actually come to be closer to our true self, the person who we came into this world to be, strengths and weaknesses, yes imperfections and all… just perfectly-perfect. Being courageous in being imperfect is a daily practice. Something that requires acceptance of self, of others, of time, and of circumstance; forgiveness of self, of others, of time, and of circumstance; and courage, to not hide and to know your overcompensations so that you can be closer to the person who you came into the world to be, perfectly-perfect as you. In my practice, I support people in removing the overcompensations, encouraging them to have the courage to be their true selves, because in the end when you are imperfectly you, you are perfectly-perfect in every way.

Catherine Gruener, M.A., M.A., LCPC —

Psychotherapist and Encouragement Parenting Trainer, Owner of Gruener Consulting.

Tapping into our vulnerability to achieve our desires is a breakthrough for many of us. It requires taking a close look at ourselves, whom we really are, and accepting every part of us without judgment. It takes for us to be ready and willing to get out of our comfort zone and see ourselves as spiritual beings which we truly are. Self-awareness is important, self-love and again, self-acceptance.

To recognize we are vulnerable, acknowledging and understanding our vulnerabilities for what they are, and embracing them as part of our human experience is a powerful thing. This shows inner strength and inner growth. Once we understand this and how powerful our mind is, as well as, the intellectual faculties we are gifted with, we must learn how to use these properly; then we can tap into anything we need to achieve our desires. It takes the will to want to achieve our desires. Listen to our intuition and let it guide us.

Samantha Cervino —

Reiki Master, EFT Certified Practitioner, Self-Development Coach.

For me, tapping into my vulnerability gives others permission to do the same. It builds a strong foundation of trust and transparency. As a healthcare provider, being in alignment with myself allows for more alignment in my life, thus what I am feeling, and experiencing is the same inside as outside. There is a safety that is tangible when one is vulnerable.

Further said, my desire is to lead by example. The bottom line is that we all want to be accepted and appreciated. In doing so, we allow and align to experience the abundance that the universe has to offer, which is already there for us. Being vulnerable is the first step to achieving this.

Dr. Dolores Fazzino, DNP, RN —

Nurse Practitioner

Look at me. Look at me with no judgment, no expectation, no agenda. What do you see? Look beyond the physicality of me. Listen to my words for they are written on the wind and express my truth, my authentic self. If you are not fully present when I speak to you, I will know it. Look into my eyes, for I listen with my eyes and I trust my intuition to feel your truth, your authenticity. I am willing for you to see my vulnerability. I am perfect in the eyes of my Creator, but ego tells me a different story. I make no excuses, I am who I am. I look inward to find me so that I may become more. I see my vulnerability as a slate upon which to draw the path toward self-actualization. I am a Highly Sensitive Person, and that is perhaps my greatest vulnerability; however, it is from that place of sensitivity that I evolve and expand my capacity for enlightenment and my desire to be all that I can be, sharing all that is possible in a peaceful future.

Diane Boyko Achatz —

Certified Transformational Health and Life Coach.

We hope you enjoyed this week\’s Insights and Inspirations on “How do you tap into your vulnerability to achieve your desires?”  Come back and join us next Monday for another installment of Insights and Inspirations!

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Have A Wellness-Filled Day!

– The Wellness Universe Team

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