Inspiration for December 19th by The Wellness Universe

Inspiration for December 19th by The Wellness Universe #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #FeaturedInspiration

Be reminded to carry the Christmas spirit throughout the year with the featured Inspiration for December 19th by The Wellness Universe.

The Christmas Spirit is something we hear spoken about, but do we really incorporate it into our lives? It really has nothing to do with religion, but more about brotherly love, kindness, hope and faith.

It reminds us that all of our thoughts and actions should come from a place of love and benevolence.

This is the way to world peace. If every day we can keep the flame aglow in our heart for love and peace on Earth, world peace is achievable.

Let us be generous with our love and kindness.

Let us practice gratitude and give thanks for blessings.

Let us be the example for the Christmas spirit to be carried throughout the year.

Tell us in the comments if you can pledge to keep the Christmas Spirit for 2017 and share with us your ideas of how we can be more loving, kind and benevolent.

Merry & Blessed Holidays to You & Yours from The Wellness Universe