Inspiration for February 10th by Amy Camie

Inspiration for February 10th by Amy Camie #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #FeaturedInspiration

Be reminded that compassion grows from within as we embrace all aspects of self in the featured Inspiration for February 10th by Amy Camie. 

Sometimes I try to run from you
Sometimes I try to hide
Sometimes I wish you were not there
My dark and ugly side

But why would I use names like that
You\’re just a part of me
A part I do not understand
Yet you can set me free

Now tell me fears, how did you know
To meet you was my task
You hold the key to moving on
Help me remove my mask

To stand here in your presence
Not knowing what to do
I trust you will not harm me
Only I can make that true

So now I come with open arms
My heart has told me so
Come to me so I may hold you close
And never let you go

You are a special part of me
A creation of my own
I see you, feel you, hear you now
And thank you from my soul

Be patient as I take you in
Be gentle as I learn
To trust and listen to myself
Without questions at every turn

I thank you for the gifts you bring
I\’m grateful you are here
Embracing every part of me
My deep, dark, doubt and fears

– Amy Camie

Enjoy a musical version of this poem