Inspiration for November 19th by Melanie Christian

Inspiration for November 19th by Melanie Christian #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #Inspiration #IOTD

Find your way back to your loving center with the Inspiration for November 19th by Melanie Christian via The Wellness Universe.

HEALING: You have the tools and Guides to heal yourself, and show others the path to healing.

HELPING: Living cooperatively through loving service, we help to co-create a world of a “we” mentality instead of a “me” mentality.

HEALTH: Looking after our physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness are consistent acts of self-love. ~ Melanie Christian

When we remember to act, think and live from our loving-centers, we see and feel the full power of our ability to heal the trinity of Heart, hearth, and Earth. As healing begins at home with our own wholeness of health, our tools of meditation, journaling, healthy diet and exercise go a long way to not only providing others strong examples of self-care. But, of kindly loving, restoring and revitalizing ourselves.

Know too, that willing and loving acts of service in all its forms are never too big, can always be expanded, and is one of the many ways we heal and begin to heal.

Living Lighter, Brighter and FULLER lives!

– Coach Melanie ♥

Please Meet Coach Melanie