Inspired by 25 Tools for Life: Reclaiming Your Personal Power

Meet Linda Dieffenbach, Founder of Wellness in Harmony and the Empowered Goddess Tribe, Personal Transformation Coach & Healing Arts Practitioner.  In the soon-available book, The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care: 25 Tools for Life, Linda  shares her journey of healing and empowerment through inner child work.

© 2021 –
The Wellness Universe (WU): Hello Linda, please tell us about yourself and what inspired you to write your chapter in the book The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care: 25 Tools For Life.

Linda Dieffenbach (LD): I’m deeply passionate about helping women fully embrace their power and magnificence by overcoming the impact of trauma and toxic conditioning. When we (women) heal our inner wounds and recognize our value and strength, we become an unstoppable catalyst for transformation in this world.

I came into my work through my own personal healing journey. After struggling for many years to get help through traditional means, I discovered Reiki, which opened me up to a whole new world of possibilities. Later, I met my mentor, Elizabeth Frediani, whose work was pivotal in helping me recover from deep traumatic wounding from childhood. Her work was profound, cutting through the layers of defense, allowing me to safely step into those tender places and provide the healing I needed. It was truly transformational. And, naturally, I jumped at the chance to learn from her when the opportunity came.

Over the years, I’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge and tools and have had the honor of supporting hundreds of people through their transformational healing journey. When invited to be part of this book, I knew it would be a wonderful opportunity to teach one of my favorite tools to others, helping them as they embarked on their healing path.

WU: What tool do you share in this book, and what can we expect to experience as a result of using this tool?

LD: One of the core elements of my healing journey (and the work that I do) is cultivating self-love. Inner child work is a powerful tool that supports this process. When we go inward and witness the confusion, pain, and isolation of our inner child, we create an opportunity for deep healing to occur. In this space, we hold our frightened, wounded little one with compassion, giving them the support and care that was denied them. We help them to feel seen, validated, supported, and loved. Through this, the traumas and wounds of the past begin to heal. As they heal, we become free to make new choices and develop new life strategies, overcoming deep-rooted patterns of self-sabotage, addiction, and unhealthy relationships.

In the book, I share my healing journey through the power of self-love and deep compassion for my wounded little girl. Inner child healing was and is one of my favorite tools. Through it I have witnessed incredible breakthroughs for myself and for my clients. Women who have spent their lives apologizing for existing have found their voice, their value, and their inner strength. Those with chronic patterns of toxic relationships have learned to love and honor themselves, no longer accepting mistreatment from partners, friends, coworkers, or family. Chronic people pleasers have learned to set boundaries and prioritize their own needs. I’ve seen my clients blossom into full expressions of their authentic selves as they discover their brilliance. 

Inner Child Healing work goes into those deep places with such tenderness and love that we discover that we can love ourselves more fully. We learn to look at our past through a different lens, unwinding the old stories and reclaiming our truth. It allows us to release stuck emotions, freeing ourselves from the pain we’ve been carrying for so long. Knowing its power, I share it so that others can find deep healing through their little one inside.

WU: What advice would you give to someone who feels hesitant or overwhelmed about starting their healing journey?

LD: It is normal to feel hesitant about doing our inner work. We have spent a lifetime carrying the pain of our trauma, making it feel like a huge, insurmountable obstacle. For me, I was afraid that if I started looking at the pain that I’d locked away for so long, it would explode out of me and overwhelm me, and I’d never be able to pull myself back together. I was wrong. I didn’t explode. I learned that I have a deep well of strength within me that allowed me to survive, and, when the time came, I could draw upon it to help me heal. The journey was hard, but it has also been amazing and powerfully rewarding.

And the truth is that healing doesn’t happen all at once. It is a journey of self-discovery that takes time. Start with small steps as you develop self-compassion and deepen your understanding of your experiences. Learn self-care tools and practices to support and strengthen your nervous system. As you heal, your capacity to go into the deeper places will emerge. Be gentle and patient with yourself along the way.

Finding the right practitioners and support system to help you through your healing journey is key. We cannot heal in isolation. Find people who can create a safe and supportive space for you—both personal connections and professionals. These are the people who can guide you through the healing process, hold space for you, celebrate your wins, and support you through the tough spots.

Healing is a courageous act of self-love, and every small step you take brings you closer to reclaiming your power and truth. Remember, you are not alone on this journey—support is available, and transformation is possible. Trust in your strength and allow yourself the grace to heal at your own pace.

Connect with Linda on The Wellness Universe and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

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