IOTD for April 12th by Stephanie Ignazio

IOTD for April 12th by Stephanie Ignazio #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #IOTD

IOTD for April 12th by Stephanie Ignazio

Today\’s cartoon: YES I CAN!

Three of the most powerful words you can say to yourself and this world are YES I CAN! The minute you say these three words you set off changes in your vibration and in the Universe. Think of all those amazing things that you want to do, and say a big YES to them! You CAN do it!

Often times we think “nothing is happening.” We might feel like we are not moving towards our goals or things are not moving along as we planned (or as fast as we hoped). Rest assured, there is A LOT going on and even though you can\’t see it yet. Things are growing.

When you plant a seed, you water it, you give it love, but then you have to have faith that it will grow. One day you look and BOOM there\’s a beautiful little flower. And all that time you thought nothing was happening.

– Stephanie

Meet Stephanie Ignazio

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