IOTD for June 21st by Stephanie Ignazio

IOTD for June 21st by Stephanie Ignazio #WUVIP #IOTD #TheWellnessUniverse

Please take a moment to enjoy the IOTD for June 21st by Stephanie Ignazio and walk away feeling better and inspired!

It\’s a LOVE marathon!!! 30 days of LOVE-ly inspiration from my heart to yours.

Let\’s grow some LOVE.

Yesterday I was surprised by the “garden fairy.” My friend had decided that since I couldn\’t make up my mind about what kind of plants to buy (I had been searching for weeks!) she would take this out of my hands…and bring me a complete garden of veggies and herbs.

I was amazed. Not only be the generosity… but by the LOVE involved. I\’ve decided to call it the “LOVE GARDEN.” Going to make myself a sign and everything.

Acts of love to one another are like little seeds… they blossom in the other person\’s heart… and my heart is filled with LOVE.

– Stephanie

Please meet Stephanie Ignazio