IOTD for May 7th by Lyn Deacon

IOTD for May 7th by Lyn Deacon #IOTD #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse

IOTD for May 7th by Lyn Deacon

This Mother\’s Day, tomorrow…  Time out! Make some time for Yourself!  Take some time out to remember who you are, What you like – What you are passionate about.

It isn’t selfish to take care of yourself! It’s taking care of the carer!

Often we are so busy taking care of everyone else that we forget about ourselves. We take care of everyone else’s needs and before we know it we are forgetting to take a little time to nourish our soul.

MAKE time to PLAY – your favourite music, take a walk in nature, sit by the water, spend some time with animals, soak in a nice deep bath! Take your Dog to the beach – Snuggle with your Cat!

Do you remember the last time you took some time out for YOU?

Do you Remember the last time you pampered Yourself?

– Lyn

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