There are no accidents. Everything that happens to you is a result of choice. Your choice to evolve and expand into all that you can be. You did not come to this earth to as you would say, “play it safe.” You came to experience separation and the journey back home.
You knew before your arrival here that things would not always be easy or enjoyable and yet you also knew that you have the power to shift your experiences at any moment. The same is true for others. You need not concern yourself about the path others have chosen for whatever is happening or will happen in their lives is also of their choosing.
From your limited human perspective, this may appear as if we are telling you not to care for others and this is not the case. What we are saying is that it is not your responsibility to live your life FOR others. You each have your own lives to live and as much as you can support and love one another as you go along, you can only live YOUR life. You cannot live the life of another.
We encourage you to focus on your own transformation and ascension at this time and allow others to focus on theirs without judging them for the choices they make. You do not know their path or the plans they had before incarnating on earth. What may appear to be a wrong or unloving choice to you is the very choice that is required in order for you and others to evolve.
This is why you will hear us say over and over again how important it is to stop judging others and focus on yourself. It is also important to stop judging yourself if you make a choice that you later believe was not in your best interest.
Every experience you and others have is exactly what you need to experience at that moment and is part of your journey back to yourself and back to your real home.
Marisa’s Musings
If this is the first time, you’re hearing about how we choose all our experiences, you might react like I did the first time I heard this and say something like, “There’s NO way I would choose to have painful experiences, why the heck would I choose to suffer?”
The more I explored this idea with an open mind, the more I came to understand that it’s not that I consciously choose pain and suffering as part of my life experiences, it’s that in order for me to continue to evolve and experience the deepest desires of my heart and soul, I needed some way of knowing whether or not I was on track. I now understand that any time I experience pain and suffering I’m off track and out of alignment with what I truly desire and with who I truly am.
Once I’m aware that I’m off track, I can take a closer look at my life and begin to make more empowering choices that bring me back into alignment. I know I’m in alignment when I feel joy, bliss, gratitude, and other positive emotions. I think that’s the meaning of the part of the message that says, “you have the power to shift your experiences in any moment.” We shift our experience by being willing to look at things differently and by making different choices.
It’s hard not to feel concerned about those we love when we see them suffering or making choices that, in our opinion, isn’t good for them. And yet, if we believe what this message is telling us that it’s important to not judge them and trust that whatever they’re experiencing is part of their Soul’s growth and evolution.
Inner Guidance
I invite you to make a conscious choice to follow your inner guidance and not let the opinions of others influence you. I know from personal experience that my inner guidance sometimes guides me in making choices that are not easy and I’ve chosen to follow it anyway. I’m grateful that my guidance has never led me astray. In fact, it’s led me to experiencing more peace, love, and joy than I ever imagined was possible.
love & blessings,
Connect with Marisa Ferrera on The Wellness Universe & Walk Away Feeling Better!
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Release what no longer serves you. Reset your mind, body, and soul. – Savings Going on Now