Jennifer Elizabeth Moore Chapter Reading – 25 Tools for Goddesses

a spoonful of sugar

Jennifer Elizabeth Moore reads Chapter 24: Sugar Freedom EFT/Tapping for Food Cravings from the #1 best-selling book in several categories on Amazon, The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Goddesses. Listen and watch the video below as she reads!

Jennifer opens her chapter by sharing her battle with sugar addiction. Let’s listen as she reads and shares her powerful tool that helped her break her habit and that can help you too.

“Sunday 7:00 PM: You are a Goddess, I affirm.

I stand before the mirror in my uncomfortably tight vintage dress. I want to feel sovereign in my body. I want to feel luscious and sexy.

You are a Goddess!

Regardless of how many times I repeat this audacious claim, I don’t buy it. Instead, I crave M&Ms and despair over the inconvenient truth that I outgrew half my wardrobe.

Goddess? More like Miss Piggy. You shouldn’t have eaten that entire quart of Rocky Road.

The magical feminist replies: Screw patriarchal standards, you’re perfect.

Feeling divine is but wishful thinking. Sugar’s got me by the throat. I vow to myself this will be the last binge.

Monday 4:30 PM: I’ll just have a little piece. That should be okay.

I break off a portion of the massive chocolate bar I’d bought 20 minutes earlier from the bodega. Ahhh, here it is—that sweet surge, the molten bliss. All is well in my world.

4:33 PM: I grab a roll of aluminum foil, hoping it will thwart my desire. Three layers of foil wrap around the remaining four-fifths of my temptation.

I’ll savor this over the rest of the week.

I pry bags of broccoli and nearly empty quarts of ice cream out of frost. I toss my chocolate behind the ice trays. I stack frozen dinners on top.

That should do it. Out of sight, out of mind—done!

4:38 PM: Just a little more. That should be okay.

No. Willpower! Girl, get a grip.

Oh, F-it.

I grab my paring knife and slice the bar into four equal sections. I break one into squares. I put them in my bowl from high school pottery class.

OMG yum!

You fat cow. You spoiled brat! You have no control. Put the rest back. Eating half is better than eating all of it.

4:43 PM: You might as well eat it all. You know you’re going to, why wait!?


Come on!


You know you want to.


But it’s so delicious.

Okay fine. But this will be the last time. I’ll start dieting tomorrow.

Except we all know what happens.

Tuesday 4:00 PM: I exit the trolley two stops from home.

Just a little something sweet. That’s all I need. Halloween candy is two-for-one! Well, I can’t pass this up.

I hand the cashier my last five bucks, and she hands me three pounds of fun-sized treats.

5:00 PM: I sit in my cornflower blue corduroy chair. The cat bats crumpled balls of wrappers across the carpet. I shove the two remaining pounds into my underwear drawer.

I’m never doing this again!

Watch and listen to the video below to experience Jennifer’s entire chapter.


About this book:

25 dedicated Wellness Universe experts come together to help you live a life of well-being, confidence, balance, and betterment in this powerful collaboration.

The collective wisdom, expertise, and passion contained in the pages of the book is beyond what you can imagine. With the power of their authentic stories and the master teaching of their tools, what you have in your hands supports you to live in your unique Goddess energy from a foundational, whole-person approach.

Pick up your copy on Amazon.

Author of Empathic Mastery, Wellness Universe Expert, Energy Healer, and Master Trainer for EFT International, Jennifer Moore supports empathic, creative women. Connect with Jennifer on The Wellness Universe.

*Originally published on March 4, 2022.

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