Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for July 11th

Jim Phillips\' Wednesday Wisdom for July 11th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WisdomForJuly11th

Welcome to Jim Phillips’ Wednesday Wisdom for July 11th! Each Wednesday, WU World Changer Jim Phillips will share some mid-week wisdom for you to ponder and embrace!

“Embracing the difficult invites the miraculous.”

I trust this finds you well as you continue along “your path” to “your truth.”

As I was driving to my office last week, I had the radio on a channel that was a talk show regarding how one improves their golf game. During the Q&A portion of the show, a caller was sharing how angry he would get when he hit a bad shot that left him with a more difficult shot. And of course, the angrier and more frustrated he got, the worse he played.

The show’s host responded by saying he needed to accept the difficult shot, because the miraculous shot that everyone wants to hit, almost always comes from a difficult shot. In other words, if it wasn’t for the difficult shot, you would not have the opportunity for the miraculous shot.

As I heard these words, it struck a core deep within me.

I realized that the miraculous (miracles) in life, also come from our most difficult situations. The tendency is to resist the difficulty we are facing by asking questions such as, “why is this happening to me, what did I do to deserve this?” Or we cast blame onto other people or situations we feel are beyond our control, and therefore, feel there is nothing we can do.

And yet, if we accept that miracles arise from difficult situations, and we embrace the difficult by looking for and allowing the miraculous to take shape, we will experience the miraculous and move more quickly through the difficulty.

I am not suggesting that we intentionally call difficulties to ourselves for the purpose of creating miracles, as this happens often enough without us adding more difficulties to this life.

Additionally, it is within our difficulties, or more truthfully stated, our challenging opportunities, that our greatest awareness, expansion, and experience of our True-Self takes place.

Embrace the difficulty by accepting this is where you are and what you are experiencing at this moment.

However, also embrace the truth that you have the power within you to create what is required to move through this situation, otherwise, it wouldn’t have been presented to you.

The next time you are faced with a challenging opportunity, embrace it. Recognize it as another opportunity to demonstrate and experience how miraculous you truly are.

See you next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for July 18th!

– Jim

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