Jim Phillips\’ Wednesday Wisdom for June 6th

Jim Phillip\'s Wednesday Wisdom for June 6th by Jim Phillips #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #WednesdayWisdomForJune6th

I trust this finds you well and enjoying all that life presents.

Here we are on the brink of summer with almost half of the year gone by. Have you experienced what you wanted to experience by now? Are you still struggling with something that holds you back from that experience? Have you become “too comfortable in your discomfort” and accepted life as it is feeling there is nothing you can do to change it?

What would you do if you knew you couldn\’t fail?

What if you accepted that every choice you make and every action you take leads to the overall fulfillment of your life\’s purpose, regardless of the “perceived” outcome? How much more would you try beyond what you believe you can achieve?

Here is a Truth that is hard for most to accept: “You cannot fail.”

You might not achieve the result you were working towards in the way you thought it would play out, but you didn\’t fail. Each attempt you make towards what you desire to create, achieve, or experience will open the door to a new experience for you.

If you look beyond a singular event that might be labeled as a success or failure and look toward the overall purpose of life, “the progressive realization of your Truth,” you will quickly see that each event, regardless of the outcome, offers an opportunity to experience and express your Self in a new way. With each new experience, more of the truth of who you are is revealed.

And the gift that you give to the world is you living in full expression of this truth.

“When you live in full expression of your truth, others are inspired to live in full expression of their truth which in turn inspires others.”The Key to LIFE, Living in Full Expression

– Jim

See you next week for my Wednesday Wisdom for June 13th!

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