Motivational Monday Quote of the Day ~ Di Riseborough

Motivational Monday Quote Of The Day
Motivational Monday Quote Of The Day

Our inspiring quote of the day from Di Riseborough, has deep meaning. Intended to motivate, when we find it easier to push aside what is in our power, rather to take action and responsibility to live our life fully present.

Di Riseborough WU 7


To expand on this though, Di has expressed further:

So often I hear many quotes like “Let go and let God”, “Be in the Flow or Trust the Process”. I agree with all of them but sometimes they can be used as a way of not taking responsibility for how our lives are going.

Anything that takes us away from not being present in our lives is an avoidance technique, a way we might use to numb out from feeling. Sometimes called ‘Spiritual Bypass’.

This is where the balance comes in as we are both human and spirit connected to the greater Divine. Yes we are a spirit having a human experience….. a human experience! We all are here to have an experience whether it be to allow love into our lives, to be more compassionate, to speak our truth, etc and to use those experiences to learn and grow no matter how painful they might be.

Some things we might not have the power to change, but we do have the power to remain connected to ourselves, to make conscious choices and to do our emotional work and healing all the while trusting it is in our highest good.

Thank you Di Riseborough. Find more from Di, learn about her mission and how she helps people though the worst tragedies, forgive.




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