Nobody Gets Anything Significant Done Alone

Nobody Gets Anything Significant Done Alone by Lisa Mininni #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #DoneAlone

Scalable Business Lesson: Nobody Gets Anything Significant Done Alone

Beliefs are often a foundation from which we take action.

They are formed through our experiences and upbringing. The thing about beliefs is that they often determine your actions. Your beliefs that determine your actions and often create habits. Without questioning these beliefs, they are a significant factor in whether or not you achieve your goals.

There are many beliefs that lead to success, like the belief in oneself.

Other beliefs are disempowering, self-limiting and even self-sabotaging. There are a couple of self-limiting beliefs I often hear that keeps business owners from scaling their business. You may not have said these words, but you have probably thought them.

They might sound something like:

  • “I can figure it out all by myself.”
  • “I have to figure this out first (before I can do this).”

Consider that these words are tied to self-limiting beliefs.

These beliefs are actually limiting your ability to scale. Consider that these beliefs (that you need to figure out things for yourself) are reasons for not taking action or avoiding taking bold action. You’re delaying a decision. You’re avoiding something or playing it safe. You don’t have to “impose” or “bother” someone if you figure it out yourself.

Where in your life could you accept assistance …?

  • …from the group you’ve been a part of who can provide input or feedback?
  • …from your team who wants to step up but you’re preventing them from doing so because you believe only you could do it the best way?
  • …from your advisor who has been patiently giving you advice that you haven’t been implementing because you’re trying to figure it out yourself?

Nobody gets anything significant done alone.

Allow others to contribute and watch as you set a new level of scalability.

Are you ready to tap into a framework to scale your business? You are invited to The Wake Up Profitable Boot Camp for Business Owners that will take place on October 4-5, 2018 at the Business Innovation Lab in Livonia, Michigan.

Early bird pricing ends TOMORROW, August 31st! Register NOW!

– Lisa

(Original Source of this Article:

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