QOTD for August 1st by Beth Bracaglia

QOTD for August 1st by Beth Bracaglia #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #QOTD

Enjoy The Wellness Universe QOTD for August 1st by Beth Bracaglia.
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Here is her expanded thought …

At times, we all need to let go of things in order to make room for better things in our life. When it comes to organization, this often truly means the extra “stuff” that we have around our homes and/or in our offices. We hold onto items that we no longer need because there is a fear of getting rid of them, which not only creates physical clutter but mental clutter as well.

It’s not always easy for many people to let go of these items, and they need help. That’s where a Professional Organizer – someone exactly like me – comes to the rescue. As the Chief Organizing Officer of Simply Organized (www.simplyorganizedtoday.com) I help companies, executives and individuals organize their spaces, processes, systems, behaviors and lives in ways that result not only in greater order but in increased clarity, choices, connection and calm. Simply Organized is the organization specialist and inspirational thought leader behind The New Simplicity – a perspective and path for increasing effectiveness within an increasingly complex world.

So often, people really can get weighed down by our environment, and that can cause them to feel stuck. But, what we’ve found is that once we help put a solution in place for our clients, and then they are then able to breathe easier and find the items in their space more quickly. This will. in turn, create more time to do the things they really love. They also have more energy throughout the day!

Once we help them to let items go, not only does their space become much clearer, but the mind also becomes free to focus on what really matters – the time spent with friends and with family. They can then work on creating a life that is more in balance with what that they really love doing. The solution is truly all about simplicity through organization, and it’s what my team of Simplicity Architects does each and every day. We’ve made it our mission to help others find that lasting sense of peace and wellness.

Please Meet Beth Bracaglia