QOTD for February 10th by Heather Corinne Lang

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang  #WUVIP #love #light www.TheWellnessUniverse.com

The Wellness Universe QOTD for February 10th by Heather Corinne Lang


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day for February 10th by Heather and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Doing what you love brings out your authenticity. Others can see your enthusiasm, passion, and inner Light. When we live a life sharing and giving our Divine unique gifts and talents, our inner light shines so very brightly. This light then attracts others to you who will support you, work with you, or obtain your special products and/or services. Living in this way helps light up the world. As others follow you, they will find their inner light to do what they love, spreading the Light far and wide.  You are a shining example of how life can be when we follow our Divine inner guidance.
Whether or not you are at a point of making a career out of what you do, it is still important to take the time to do what you love.  It helps us balance ourselves out as well since we are fueling our soul by using those Divine gifts. This brings us more pure joy, and it is this joy which lights us up. We are also showing the Universe we accept our gifts by using them. When we accept our gifts, use and share them, we receive more situations to utilize and give of ourselves, sharing those inherent gifts. And perhaps, before you know it, you are making a career out of what you love to do.



Visit and see more from Heather at www.facebook.com/NamasteRaysNews.Sunshine

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