The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Cindy Figeuroa

quote of the day tuesday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day Cindy Figeuroa

and her expanded thought

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day Cindy Figeuroa 76

Do you spend some time daydreaming? I’m sure you do, it’s in our human nature. This practice is of the utmost importance because it is much more powerful than it seems. When you pay attention to your heart’s desire, you are able to connect and honor the sacred essence of your soul. By creating a moment of visualization you are infused with positive emotions such as empowerment, faith, and hope. Give yourself permission to dream and believe that this is a true echo of you inner radiance. Your dreams inspire you to become a greater person, they hold the gist of your soul’s purpose and mission, and even better… they ignite your action to share yourself to the world. Listen to your heart, follow your dreams, and dance through heaven and earth with joy! Dream on, divine brothers and sisters…

Thank you Cindy! To see more of her inspiration, please visit:

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