Spiritual Practice: 9 Ways to Feel Your Best

Spiritual Practice: 9 Ways to Feel Your Best by Janette Stuart #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #SpiritualPractice

To set the stage, I am 57 years old and retired two years ago. Through the use of my spiritual practice, I am able to be medication free at this stage in my life and do anything I desire.

Please allow me to share some of the things I do daily through spiritual practice to feel my best.

Joy is a top priority for me; it was my focus word for 2016. This year, my focus word is delight. My overall daily intention is to find delight in my life and to make decisions that will bring me joy and delight.

The morning is a fabulous time to indulge in self-care, which includes spiritual practice.

I am a morning person, so I love to get up early and get rolling. My spiritual practice is a non-negotiable part of my day. I’m sharing my morning practice with you; it is such a powerful way to begin the day.

After asking God for guidance, I begin by pulling an angel card. Generally, I ask, “What do I need to know today” and draw my card. I have a variety of Oracle decks and have even created my own, “Love Notes from The Divine.”

Being a writer, I enjoy composing in my angel journal to further glean guiding information from the Divine. I also love to read something inspirational in the morning such as The Bible, A Course in Miracles and also my own devotional series “On a Path of Joy,” which is available on Amazon or on my website.

Setting a daily intention is a great practice which keeps me focused on bringing forth what I desire through the power of The Law of Attraction. I usually state my intention like this: “Today, I choose _____________.” One example might be: “Today, I choose to receive Divine guidance and love.” On my friend\’s Facebook page “Everyday Living with Intention,” I regularly state my daily intentions to further solidify them.

I also enjoy prayer and meditation. Often, I do a walking meditation which delights me. I love to be out in nature.

Lately, I’ve been employing a technique new to me called “Telling a Better Feeling Story,” which I journal about. It is based on the work of Abraham-Hicks and The Law of Attraction. The idea is to tell the story of how you want your day, or an event, or your life to go, rather than just report on what you are currently seeing or doing in your life. This “new story” helps raise your vibration and bring the things you are hoping to manifest to you more quickly.

I love my evening ritual, including an Epsom salts bath and essential oils, which helps me prepare for a blessed night’s rest. Rest is a spiritual practice: a self-care responsibility. You are at your best after a great night’s rest. Not only does proper rest benefit you, it benefits all with whom you come in contact.

As I am in bed preparing for sleep, I like to recall three things for which I’m grateful. In this way, I end the day on a positive note, with love and gratitude in my heart. I also like to set a bedtime intention such as sending love to a person, a situation or to a future event.

Below is a list of ideas for Feeling Your Best through Spiritual Practice:
  1. Read Something Inspirational
  2. Pull an Angel Card for Yourself
  3. Meditate/Pray
  4. Set an intention for the day
  5. Journal about “Telling a Better Feeling Story”
  6. Move Your Body
  7. Take a Bath
  8. Focus on Gratitude
  9. Set a bedtime intention

Take my list and use what you like; you don’t have to do it the way I do. In case you need a permission slip to do it your way, dear one, here you go! Here’s to you, beloved, as you go about feeling your best through spiritual practice.

You are so worthy.

And so it is.



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