
Is Toxicity Blocking You from Achieving Optimal Health?

In this article, WU World Changer Rosemary Levesque shares from personal and professional experience some reasons why toxicity may be blocking you from achieving optimal health. I was so toxic that I miscarried my first child, forgot to breathe while sleeping, had muscle spasms so annoying I wanted to jump out of my skin, and […]

Is Toxicity Blocking You from Achieving Optimal Health? Read More »

Is Toxicity Blocking You from Achieving Optimal Health?

I was so toxic that I miscarried my first child, forgot to breathe while sleeping, had muscle spasms so annoying I wanted to jump out of my skin, and had food sensitivities that closed my throat with nearly everything I tried to eat. My toxicity extended to my children. I experienced gestational diabetes during each

Is Toxicity Blocking You from Achieving Optimal Health? Read More »