The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy Camie

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Amy Camie #WUVIP #mirrors #embrace

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy Camie


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Amy and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


When you look in the mirror, what limitations do you see?

What restrictions have you imposed upon yourself?

What weakness or disadvantages do you think you possess?

Are you willing to expand your perception and take another look?

Several years ago, my husband and I shared an idea with a local orchestra conductor of a theatrical musical performance using original music from one of my solo harp CDs. Even though nothing was written on paper – the music was improvised in the studio – we knew eventually it could become something spectacular.

In September 2011, this conductor came to our house and announced, “We’ve programmed your music on our March 2012 concert.” “What? Wait a minute! I don’t have anything written down. I’ve never orchestrated music. I don’t know how to do that.” He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “You can do this.”

Talk about looking in the mirror and seeing my fears and limitations! The task seemed insurmountable as the steps necessary to even consider this new adventure began to surface – all of which I had never done before: notating the current cd into a new computer program, arranging parts for a small ensemble (cello, flute, violin), expanding the arrangement for full orchestra – YIKES! I needed help. Thankfully, my parents are both retired music teachers and my father had arranged music for school orchestras and church. “Great, I’ll have him do it” was my initial thought.

One step led to another and we eventually realized that I was the only person who could truly create my music. I was the one who heard it playing in my head and touching my heart. This music had to express through me. So, I took a deep breath and jumped into the unknown, listening as line after line of gorgeous melodies streamed through my fingers and into the computer notation program one note at a time.

During the next six months, my limiting belief of, ‘I don’t know enough theory to write my own music’ transformed; my perceived weakness of, ‘I’ve never had a composition class’ changed; and my self-imposed restriction of thinking, ‘I’ll always be a performer since I can’t arrange or write original music’ dissolved. What once seemed insurmountable became a walk of self-discovery, one step at a time, one note at a time, one musical movement at a time. I did have the skills and ability necessary to do this; they were simply lying fallow until an opportunity was presented. In the end, I orchestrated a 5 movement piece that was premiered on March 11, 2012, by the Town & Country Symphony Orchestra under the direction of David Lowell Peek.

Through this experience, I grew and expanded in ways I never dreamed. Ironically, the name of the CD we performed was, “DREAMS – the love within.”

What fears and limitations are keeping you from expressing your dream?



Visit and see more from Amy at


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